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Friday, February 15, 2008

Please pray these prayers

The Wednesday night post is a little long so I decided to post the prayers/praises separately.

Please pray for Michelle that she will be able to remediate her anemia with diet and not need drugs.

Pray for the three girls who are missing (Amber Alert).

Pray for David to "stay cool and be proactive" in his quest for an internship.

Pray for Rebecca in her talks with her boss about staying with the company. Pray that it will work out in the right way.

Michelle gives praise that she is again in talks with her boss about returning to a salaried employee.

Shannon gives praise that her brother, Steve, has healed and is "feeling better than he did before he got so sick!"

Sarah gives praise that Daisy (Hooper) is doing well after his surgery.

Praise that Jennifer was able to join us and hope that she will continue to be able to come as her busy schedule permits.

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