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Saturday, January 26, 2008

The end of Haman (but what of the Jews?)

Third installment of Esther (chapters 6-7)

We left off last week with Haman (shake, shake, shake) building a gallows for Mordecai and planning to ask the king to hang him in the morning before they went together to dine with Queen Esther.
Meanwhile, the king had trouble sleeping and was reading through the record of chronicles.  He noticed that a man named Mordecai had saved his life by telling of a plot to assassinate him.  He asked what had been done for Mordecai to thank him.  Learning that nothing had been done, he asked his servants who was around.  Haman happened to be coming early (to try and get Mordecai hanged) and went to the king.
When the king asked what should be done for someone whom the king wished to honor, Haman (thinking that the king was to honor himself) gave grand plans.  The king then informed Haman that he wished to honor Mordecai and that Haman should see to it that all he spoke of (thinking it was to be for him) should be done for Mordecai.
That night at the banquet, Queen Esther finally tells the king her problem.  That she and all her people are to be killed and accuses Haman of masterminding the plot.  Haman is sentenced to hang on the gallows that he had erected for Mordecai.
And now we have an end of Haman, but his plot to kill the Jews goes forward for a law sealed by the king's ring cannot be repealed.

Come Wednesday for the exciting conclusion.  Remember to dress as a character from Esther (or in other costume).

Please pray these prayers:
+ Michelle's cut finger will heal quickly and cleanly
+ Sarah's test results (due in one week) show that she passed all areas
+ Kelli's dad will get into treatment at Loma Linda and treatment will shrink his prostate cancer till it is gone
+ Rachel will get into a good place physically and mentally to start trying again for a baby
+ Michelle's friend, Sara, will not have any complications due to gestational diabetes
+ Ashok will pass his architectural exam Wednesday 9am
+ Ellen and Alex will find the right place and make good decisions as the buy their first home
+ David offers praise that his voice over gig went well.  Pray that he is able to get an internship with Clear Channel
+ Alex praises the opportunities that have come after getting his degree. He can't wait to 'see where the lord takes us'

Paraphrase of Psalm 57 by Leslie F. Brandt
Encompass me with Your love and mercy, gracious Lord; I have no security except in You. I am perpetually exposed to the destructive forces of this existence. I am in constant danger of losing the battle to the very passions and desires of my own nature. I can only submit myself to You and believe that You will fulfill Your purposes in me. Your love, O God, is steadfast; Your grace is everlasting. Even when I am beaten down by depression and ensnared by me weaknesses and frailties and my own lust threatens to devour me, You are my God, and You will not let me go. I am determined to serve You, O Lord. May my life be a continual thank-offering to You, I shall sing Your praises forever.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Hamantaschen and hangings...

Wednesday, January 16th we had our third installment of Esther (Chapters 4-5).

We started the evening with, long awaited, singing (thanks David and Michelle) and welcomed some new members (Hi Doug and Melissa). Jewish tradition surrounding the Book of Esther (Megilla) dictates that people should: Read the Megillah out loud, Be festive and rejoicing, Give Gifts of fruits and nuts, and Offer gifts to the poor. So we had snacks of fruit and nuts and Hamantaschen (butter cookies with Apricot preserves). Hamantaschen are three cornered as Haman's hat. Then Michelle read aloud the next chapters. Of course, we continued to blot out the name of Haman with our noisemakers!
We had some discussion about the 'historicalness' of Esther and talked about what is happening with our main characters. Haman has already ordered (in the king's name) the destruction of the Jews and appears to continue to gain favor with the king who appears to let others take the lead. When Esther risks her life by approaching the king without an invitation, the king spares her and offers to give her whatever she wants up to half his kingdom without even waiting to hear what her petition was. Despite the king's repeated offers, Esther does not ask immediately, but asks the king and Haman to return the next day to find out.

Later... Haman's wife urges him (and he agrees) to build a gallows to hang Mordecai in the morning, then he can "go merrily with the king to dinner" with Esther.

Why did Esther wait to tell the King her petition?
Is it too late for Mordecai?
Can Esther's plan work without Mordecai?
Will Esther be killed as well when her heritage is discovered?
Tune in next Wednesday, same bat time (7pm) same bat channel (UMC room 308)!

To offer gifts to the poor, everyone present offered to bring items to make sack lunches for Harvest Home (a home for homeless, pregnant women).

Remember to dress as a character from Esther on January 30th!

As the new year progresses, there is a lot of business. Please peruse the calendar and read your e-mail. Look below for details (or click on the item on the calendar).

Please pray these prayers:
* Ashok asks for guidance for his mother and brother in making decisions regarding his father's illness
* Alex asks for prayers for his friend, Mike, who has suddenly gone blind in one eye (accomodate to different vision and protect other eye)
* Doug and Melissa ask for alleviation of pain for his Aunt Kay who suffers from fibromyalgia* Chris prays for understanding and discernment regarding her Uncle Kas who is unable to live alone following his wife's passing and is going to a retirement home against his will
* Alex asks for the lord to take the opportunity to come into his brother's life and have a ransforming experience on his brother, Zack, who recently lost his job
* Pray for Chelsea and Jim Kirtley, Char Smith, Sam and Emily Payne and their parents Dennis and Sue for the loss of Dee Payne (Char and Dennis's mother, and Chelsea, Sam and Emily's grandmother) who died over the weekend* Chris asks for patience and guidance in her relationship with her mother-in-law
* We pray that Sarah has passed all parts of her test (but especially the seismic portion) as she awaits the results in two weeks
* David asks for prayers that everything goes well with his job
We thank God for his many blessings, including:
* Gordon (Chris' husband) is out of the hospital
* Steve (Shannon's brother) is out of the hospital and recovering well
* Ashok is doing well after a hard last year
* David has a voice over gig
* Emily's friends from high school, Melissa/Brent are engaged. This is a big step for them as neither one has had good matrimonial models in their families

Thursday, January 17, 2008

*What Hymns Would You Like To See In A New United Methodist Hymnal?*

This coming April the General Conference of the UMC will consider the recommendation for a new hymnal. This is the first of several research questions from the General Board of Discipleship. We want to know which hymns or songs you would like to see included. This survey will allow you to suggest titles to be considered for inclusion:

. Up to five titles from the current *United Methodist Hymnal.*

. Up to five titles from *The Faith We Sing.*

. Up to five titles not in either collection.

*You may only complete the survey one time, so do not click the link below until you are ready to suggest titles*. Once you have accessed the survey, you will not be allowed to return to it a second time, even if you did not complete it the first time or if you later wish to change your responses. *Final date to complete this survey is January 31, 2008*.

When ready to complete the survey, here's the link: http://www.gbod.org/worship/default.asp?act=reader&item_id=45894

Vocation, calling and work

Let Paul know directly what you would like to discuss in February! Here is his question...

What are the questions or concerns that you have regarding your faith and your job or career? I came up with the idea for this series based on the comments that people made during Ellen's Micah 6:8 study. These comments revolved around jobs and where God fit into those jobs. I believe that there were also questions revolving around calling as well. Because there are a few ways that I can go with a study on calling, vocation, and work I want to try and focus the series to best address what people are concerned about or have questions about.

Paul Deveaux, Parish Associate

Super-Sub Combos

M eals for Super Bowl Sunday are being sold Sunday, January 20 and Sunday, January 27 (last day to order). The combos are $12 which include a sandwich with your choice of fillings (meat or vegetarian) and several side items and a drink. All proceeds are for our Youth Program. Be sure to visit the UMYF table during coffee hour to place your order on Sunday!



WHEN: Thursday, February 21, 2008
SHIFT: 10am to 4pm

WHERE: The Daily Grill
2501 Colorado Ave.
Santa Monica, CA

WHAT: The Muscular Dystrophy Association is hosting a fun event to raise money to help out people with Muscular Dystrophy. We have recruited prominent business people in the Santa Monica area to agree to be mock ‘arrested’ for one hour of their day. We will be picking them up at their place of business, putting them in handcuffs, and bringing them to the Pacific Dining Car where they will raise their $1600 ‘bail money’ for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. We will feed them and give incentives and prizes to those who raise their bail. As a volunteer, you would do one of the following:

· DRIVERS (7) – Drive to the offices of the ‘Jailbirds’, pick them up, and transport them to the restaurant. NOTE: A valid California Driver’s License and proof of insurance is necessary for this role.
· Arresting Officers (7 needed) – Ride with the driver and actually physically ‘arrest’ our ‘jailbirds’. Enthusiastic, outgoing people are needed to make a big deal out of the fact that the business owner has a big heart
· Photographer (1 needed)- Capture the friendly felons while they network and dine. We will provide the camera.
· Greeters (2)—Lead the felons through the jail to take their mugshots, meet the judge and more!
· Judge (1)—Announce the bailraisers as they enter.

CONTACT INFO: If interested, please contact Suzanne Gutterman, Program Coordinator, at the Muscular Dystrophy Association at 310-450-9032 or sgutterman@mdausa.org.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Learning, helping and having fun!

The bLT met last Saturday to discuss the next few months of the bridge. Please remember the box in the bridge room for suggestions, comments, concerns, etc. We planned for Bible studies and topic discussions for the near future (learning). We discussed community service projects to do as a group (helping) and delegated "non-wednesday night" fellowship (fun). Beginning planning was begun for our Spring Retreat!


Megilla and graggers

January 2nd was our monthly game night!

January 9th began our study of Esther. We started by making graggers (A Purim gragger, also called "ra'ashan" (noisemaker), used when Haman's name is mentioned during the reading of the Megilla, as tradition dictates, to blot out the name of evil). While Michelle read the Book of Esther - the Megillah ("scroll") we dutifully used our noisemakers every time the name of Haman was mentioned. If you are wondering why, read the first three chapters of Esther.

We will continue with Esther next week as we enjoy "Hamantaschen" (come and find out what these are) and continue to shake our graggers!

Please pray these prayers:

* continued prayers for Chris and her husband Gordon who is in and out of the hospital with pneumonia
* Chris' family Margie, Ruth & Ernie Ono who are coping with a death and illnesses in the family
* Anna's rabbit (Sarah's roommate) that has a lump in its paw
* continued prayers for Alex's brother, wife and nephew
* Alex's grandmother who is suffering from alzheimer's disease and is on hospice and his aunt who is taking care of the grandmother and is experiencing stress and high blood pressure
* wisdom and discernment for Alex as he continues his search for a job
* safe travels for Rebecca's father

* Michelle now has more hours at her job
* David has a voiceover job
* Rebecca's father is coming to visit
* Shannon's brother, Steve, is out of the hospital and has stopped hiccuping!