What's happening with the bridge?

Check out the bridge Calendar below

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

30 March 2010

- This upcoming Wednesday, March 30 - Rachel is leading us in a movie study during the month of March. This week we will continue our discussion of "The Truman Show". Everyone is welcome to come and join in on the discussion!

- Holy Week and Easter - FUMC is hosting several services this upcoming week in honor of the days leading up to Easter. Check out the FUMC eSentinel for more details: http://www.facebook.com/l/2600c;www.santamonicaumc.org/esentinel/esentinelonline.html

Maundy Thursday service - Thursday, April 1, 7:30 pm - FUMC Sanctuary
Good Friday service - Friday, April 2, 12:10 pm - FUMC Sanctuary
Easter Sunday Sunrise Service - Sunday, April 4, 6:30 am - Palisades Park (Santa Monica Blvd. and Ocean Ave.)
Easter Worship - Sunday, April 4, 10:00 am - FUMC Sanctuary

- Sunday, April 4 - bridge Easter Breakfast/Brunch - Join us for a breakfast/brunch potluck between the Sunrise Service and Easter Worship. Check out the facebook event page to sign up and find more info: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=106673459362391

- April 23-25 - Spring Retreat at Point Mugu! - Take a look at the facebook event page for more information and to sign up: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=410854241678

- We need your help to make the Spring Retreat a success! If you have skills to share, we would love your help putting everything together. To see the list and to sign up go to the Spring Retreat facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=410854241678 Thank You!

- Sunday, April 11 - Spring Retreat planning meeting, following the 10 am church service.

- We still have our very own Bridge stainless steel water bottles for sale! If you don't have one or if you would like another, there are still a few left. $18 each. Ask any bLT member. Pick one up before the retreat!

Happy Holy Week!

The bLT

Monday, March 22, 2010

22 March 2010

- Wednesday, March 24 - Rachel is leading us in a movie study during the month of March. This week we will discuss "The Truman Show". Even if you didn't see the film, you are still welcome to come and join in on the discussion!

- Sunday, April 4 - Easter Sunday - Thank you to everyone who voted. The bridge will celebrate Easter together this year with a breakfast potluck following the FUMC sunrise service. The service begins at 6:30 am in Palisades Park. The potluck will follow the service in the bridge room at the Church. More information to come.

- April 23-25 - Spring Retreat at Point Mugu! Take a look at the facebook event page for more information and to sign up: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=410854241678

- We need your help to make the Spring Retreat a success! You are not obligated to sign up for anything, but we would love your help if you feel inclined. You can sign up as an individual or as a team for any of these needs. To sign up, just write on the wall of the Spring Retreat facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=410854241678 Thank You!

1. Camping gear (round up and return needed gear for the group)

2. Food (planning, purchasing, preparation and service)

3. Games and activities (collect gear and/or plan a couple of fun Saturday afternoon activities i.e. bocce ball or hiking)

Spiritual Program leaders: the bLT will provide a general theme for the weekend and the leaders of each segment can take it from there:

4. Friday evening (plan and lead a short prayer or devotional and music - 45 min.)

5. Saturday morning (plan and lead a devotional / quiet time - 60 min.)

6. Saturday evening (plan and lead a devotional and music - 90 min.)

7. Sunday morning (plan and lead a devotional / quiet time - 60 min.)

8. Music to go with evening Spiritual Programs (guitar? singing?)

All of the volunteers will get together for a planning meeting after Church on Sunday, April 11. Please plan on attending if you are able. If you want to volunteer for any of the above items, but can't make it to the planning meeting, please still volunteer and we will help you with any coordination items that arise from the meeting.

Sarah H. is our retreat coordinator. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact her or any other blt members (Doug, Heather, Erin).

- We still have our very own Bridge stainless steel water bottles for sale! If you don't have one or if you would like another, there are still a few left. $18 each. Ask any bLT member. Pick one up before the retreat!

The bLT

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

15 March 2010

News for this week...

- Rachel is leading us in a movie study during the month of March. We started watching "The Truman Show" last Wednesday (if you weren't there, you missed out on some great popcorn!). Stay tuned for the second half this Wednesday, March 17. It is also St. Patrick's Day, so don't forget to wear a bit 'o green!

- Sunday, April 4 - Easter Sunday - Each year, the bridge celebrates Easter with a potluck in the bridge room following the Easter service. FUMC is offering two Easter services this year: a sunrise service at 6:30 am in Palisades Park and a regular service at 10 am in the Sanctuary. You are welcome to attend both.

WE NEED YOUR VOTE! Would you rather celebrate Easter with a breakfast potluck after the sunrise service (around 8:00 am) or would you rather celebrate with a lunch potluck after the regular service (around 11:30 am)? Voting ends Saturday, March 20.

VOTE HERE: http://doodle.com/6vd5z8ryimt434q6

- April 23-25 - Spring Retreat at Point Mugu! This will be a great opportunity to camp, hike, enjoy the beach, the scenery and each other's company. More details and a facebook event page to come.

- We still have our very own Bridge stainless steel water bottles for sale! If you don't have one or if you would like another, there are still a few left. $18 each. Ask any bLT member. Pick one up before the retreat!

- We will be updating birthdays on the bridge blog calendar shortly. It will only contain the birthdays of people who responded "yes" with their updated contact info. If you use this calendar as a birthday reference for people who are no longer active bridge members, be sure to record their birthdays to your personal calendars before they are removed.

The bLT

Monday, March 8, 2010

8 March 2010

Last week...

Whale watching was a huge success! Those who made the trek to Rancho Palos Verdes were able to see several whales and many more dolphins in spite of the wet weather.

Did I mention that Don Antonio's serves up a delicious $1 taco?

Coming up...

- This Wednesday, March 10 - Rachel will lead us in a study of the movie "The Truman Show". You won't want to miss it!

- Sunday, April 4 at 6:30 am - This year, FUMC is hosting an Easter Sunday sunrise service in Palisades Park. There is a need for volunteers to help with a variety of things (i.e. setting up to greet attendees, pick up things to bring from the church beforehand, someone to play guitar, etc.). If you are interested in helping in any way, please contact Camille.

- The weekend of April 23-25 - Put it on your calendars! The date for the Spring Retreat is set. We have reservations to camp at Point Mugu, right along the coast. This will be a great opportunity to camp, hike, enjoy the beach, the scenery and each other's company.

The bLT

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

1 March 2010

Last week...

Thank you to Kellie for leading us during the month of February on "Love". Last Wednesday we learned about our love languages and how to better show love to others. Try the online quiz here: http://www.facebook.com/l/71d53;www.5lovelanguages.com/assessments/

Coming up...

- This Wednesday, March 3 - Game Night - We plan to play a few games and then take advantage of Taco Wednesday at Don Antonio's. You are welcome to meet us in the bridge room for just games if you don't feel like tacos. Bring a little moolah if you plan to go for tacos afterward.

- During the month of March - Rachel will lead us in a study of the movie "The Truman Show". You won't want to miss it!

- Whale Watching this upcoming Saturday, March 6!! This is an all-day event in Rancho Palos Verdes; feel free to attend as much or as little as you want, but keep in mind the bridge will be there between 2 and 6. There will be food vendors, but you are welcome to bring your own picnic dinner and snacks.

Parking information can be found at the following http://www.facebook.com/l/71d53;url:http://losserenos.org/woad.htm Please arrange your own carpooling and hope to see you there.

Here is the link to the facebook page for this event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=296115447093&index=1

Visit the "Whale of a Day Celebration" website for more information: http://www.facebook.com/l/71d53;losserenos.org/woad.htm

- Sunday, April 4 at 6:30 am - This year, FUMC is hosting an Easter Sunday sunrise service in Palisades Park. There is a need for volunteers to help with a variety of things (i.e. setting up to greet attendees, pick up things to bring from the church beforehand, someone to play guitar, etc.). If you are interested in helping in any way please contact Camille.

- The weekend of April 23-25 - Put it on your calendars! The date for the Spring Retreat is set. We have reservations to camp at Point Mugu, right along the coast. This will be a great opportunity to camp, hike, enjoy the beach, the scenery and each other's company.

- Thank you to everyone who sent in updates for the bridge Contact List. If you did not send in your updates, please do so as soon as possible. If you prefer to not be included on the list just let us know.

- Remember to pay Shannon $10 for your fabric if you are making blankets for Binky Patrol. The second time for tying blankets and watching movies will be announced later.

Hope that you have a great first week of March!

The bLT