What's happening with the bridge?

Check out the bridge Calendar below

Monday, March 22, 2010

22 March 2010

- Wednesday, March 24 - Rachel is leading us in a movie study during the month of March. This week we will discuss "The Truman Show". Even if you didn't see the film, you are still welcome to come and join in on the discussion!

- Sunday, April 4 - Easter Sunday - Thank you to everyone who voted. The bridge will celebrate Easter together this year with a breakfast potluck following the FUMC sunrise service. The service begins at 6:30 am in Palisades Park. The potluck will follow the service in the bridge room at the Church. More information to come.

- April 23-25 - Spring Retreat at Point Mugu! Take a look at the facebook event page for more information and to sign up: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=410854241678

- We need your help to make the Spring Retreat a success! You are not obligated to sign up for anything, but we would love your help if you feel inclined. You can sign up as an individual or as a team for any of these needs. To sign up, just write on the wall of the Spring Retreat facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=410854241678 Thank You!

1. Camping gear (round up and return needed gear for the group)

2. Food (planning, purchasing, preparation and service)

3. Games and activities (collect gear and/or plan a couple of fun Saturday afternoon activities i.e. bocce ball or hiking)

Spiritual Program leaders: the bLT will provide a general theme for the weekend and the leaders of each segment can take it from there:

4. Friday evening (plan and lead a short prayer or devotional and music - 45 min.)

5. Saturday morning (plan and lead a devotional / quiet time - 60 min.)

6. Saturday evening (plan and lead a devotional and music - 90 min.)

7. Sunday morning (plan and lead a devotional / quiet time - 60 min.)

8. Music to go with evening Spiritual Programs (guitar? singing?)

All of the volunteers will get together for a planning meeting after Church on Sunday, April 11. Please plan on attending if you are able. If you want to volunteer for any of the above items, but can't make it to the planning meeting, please still volunteer and we will help you with any coordination items that arise from the meeting.

Sarah H. is our retreat coordinator. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact her or any other blt members (Doug, Heather, Erin).

- We still have our very own Bridge stainless steel water bottles for sale! If you don't have one or if you would like another, there are still a few left. $18 each. Ask any bLT member. Pick one up before the retreat!

The bLT

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