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Saturday, December 1, 2007

November 28, 2007

We had a great time on Wednesday with Rachel facilitating part one of her Advent series. We learned about Advent as separate from Christmas. It is actually a time of preparation for the celebration of Jesus' birth (similar to Lent as a time of preparation for Easter). Members discussed how they celebrate the season. We learned about the meanings of some of the things that we see at this time of year. Advent Calendar, Advent Wreath, significance of colors, ornaments, candles, trees...

Rachel also brought materials to make an Advent Wreath for the bridge room which we lit during a short devotional. I hope to see everyone at the bridge meetings in December as we continue lighting candles (yes, even on game night) until we have them all lit at our Christmas Potluck and gift exchange on December 19th.

Please feel free to bring items to decorate our bridge room. I brought a Nativity Scene and we have the Advent Wreath.

Please pray these prayers:

* Pray for Ellen's friend Karen who is suffering from MS
* Continued prayers for Rachel's family, especially her brother, David, and Eliza's family for their terrible and unexpected loss.
* Pray for Alex's nephew who is suffering from seizures and Alex's brother and his wife
* Pray for Michelle to find a job to use her wonderful talents
* Pray for David to gain understanding in deeper faith
* Pray for Victor who gives praise the many blessings that he experiences in his life, but prays for stronger faith and that God will touch his ex-fiancee to bring out the faith that he sees in her.


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