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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Update - April 3

It's Holy Week. I hope it's going well for all of you. There is a lot going on at the church this week: namely the Maundy Thursday service at 7:30 pm and the Prayer Vigil on Friday (if you'd like to sign up for a time to pray during the vigil, let me know). Check the church website for all the details.

This past Wednesday was another great meeting with Ashok at the helm bringing us a thoughtful discussion about Suffering. Here are the notes:

What is the biblical perspective on the nature of suffering, perseverance, and seeking God's guidance through difficulty?
-Recalling Amy's study on Philippians: Ph 1:29, Ph 3:10-11
In our suffering we can identify with Christ's sacrifice for the redemption of our sins.
Romans 8:18-28
-What should we be mindful of when we experience suffering?
-Do we need to know pain before the revelation of God's glory?
-Hope, patience and guidance: How do they bring us through a period of pain, loss or war?
-Does knowing abou God's purpose help us through a rough patch?
Ephesians 6:10-18
-In situations of conflict where should we seek strength?
-Suffering versus struggle, what's the difference?
Caring for others
John 9:1-6
-What is our role in helping others in need?
-Is there opportunity for the bridge to work for the benefit of others with our diverse skills?
More scripture readings on Suffering:
2 Corinthians 1:5; Colossians 1:24; Hebrews 2:10; 1 Peter 4:1

Thanks to Ashok for this thought provoking discussion.

This Wednesday is Game Night!

This Sunday is Easter!
(If you can lend a helping hand for Coffee Hour by bringing food or by being their to help - our lovely Hope Circle sisters will be appreciative!)

Have a great week. Alleluia!

Yours in Christ,


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