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Friday, January 19, 2007

Update - January 19, 2007

We had another great meeting with Amy at the helm on Wednesday night. We delved into our 2nd installment of our focus on the book of Philippians. We discussed the end of the first chapter and most of the second.

Here are the questions that directed our discussion:
What seems like common sense in this chapter?
What seems impossible in this chapter?
How do these verses relate to life today?
How are we like the believers in Philippi?
How are we like Paul?
Do you disagree with Paul at this point? If so, why?
What is confusing about these verses, if anything?
What steps can we take to be more like Jesus according to these verses?

Things to ponder this week:
-How can I stand firm in my faith?
-Does faith relate to suffering in my life?
-Why is humility, counter-cultural though it may be, imporant in the lives of followers of Jesus?
-Why is harmony (unity) among believers important?
-What small step might I take to allow these verses to change my life this week?
-How can I be like a star shining in the universe and considerate of the needs of others at the same time?

Please read Philippians chapter 3 for next Wednesday night.

Have a great week!


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