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Friday, June 29, 2007

Update - June 29

Well, things have lightened up enough for me to be able to take the time to provide an update from our most recent meeting. I apologize for falling behind. Please be assured that regardless of my busy schedule I most definitely take the time to make sure that the right column of our blog is up to date as well at the Google Calendar. So, be sure to keep track of those postings on a regular basis.

So, Ashok led us in our final installment of "Love" this past Wednesday with Sarah's help.

We discussed "how Christians can demonstrate love to the world."

Love Your Neighbor
Mark 12:30-31

Honor Others
Romans 12:9-21

Recognize Diversity
1 Corinithians 12:12-27

Loving our Enemies and Striving for Mercy
Luke 6:27-36

Ashok and Sarah shook things up a bit this week by having us play out two scenarios. First David and me volunteered and acted out a scene in which a creative writer with ambition works for a fortune cookie company writing fortunes to pay the bills. The boss isn't concerned with creativity or "good work" but simply needs productivity and efficiency. How can we show love in this situation.

Noel and Shannon played out the second scene between a parent and child struggling over whether or not the "child" will go live in another country (post college). The parent feels as if they're acting in the child's best interest, where the child disagrees. How can we show love in this situation.

We discussed how familial relationships can be the most difficult.

A huge thanks goes out to Ashok (and Amy and Sarah) for this enlightening study. Join us on July 11 for a program with Rebecca. No meeting on July 4th. If you don't have plans for July 4th and didn't receive an email from me about our unofficial get together - let me know.

Relay for Life (Cancer Walk) is approaching fast. We still need walkers and financial contributions. Visit the link (at right) to join the team or give a little dough. If you're available to stand by the Wesley Walkers (our team name) table during coffee hour on Sunday morning - please do. Our concentration will be to garner support and awareness of the event.

See you soon!

Yours in Christ,

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