I hope those of you in attendance the last two weeks enjoyed our screening of The Apostle. If you missed it, check it out by renting it or adding it to your Netflix list!
When you do, consider these questions/thoughts:
1) How does The Apostle E. F. (Sonny) redeem himself? Or does he?
2) Do the things that he does in the second half of the film justify those that happen in the beginning? Regardless of justification, do you feel Sonny is or will be forgiven?
3) What do you think about Sonny's "self-proclamation" in becoming an Apostle - is it legit? What do you think about his convictions? Does he truly believe God is calling him to do the things he does?
4) How does Sonny's character change throughout the film.
5) What can we learn about prayer by watching this film? Music? Cultural influences on religion and preaching styles?
6) Sonny/Apostle E. F. is shown to be a human being with PLENTY of flaws and struggles with "sins of the flesh" - does this make it easier for us to relate?
7) What do you think about Sam's character? Do you think he has learned from Sonny and might eventually take his place?
8) How does the opening scene make you feel? Why?
9) Many themes run though this film, including: faith, redemption, forgiveness, culture, race, sin, prayer, relationships... What are your thoughts on the issues presented.
I look forward to offering another film study in the future - this was fun!
Happy holidays, one and all!
Yours, Rachel
What's happening with the bridge?
Check out the bridge Calendar below
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Prayer time
As we continue our study of Romans through June (under Sarah's wonderful facilitation), remember to pray for the person who sat next to you, this week on the right. If you weren't able to attend on Wednesday, pick someone to pray for. We are praying for the salvation of the person on our right. This is the list of Salvations:
Salvation (sōtéria)
Salvation from physical illness Matthew 9:21; Luke 8:36
Salvation from danger Mathew 8:25; 14:30
Salvation from life's infection Acts 2:40
Salvation from lostness Matthew 18:11; Luke 19:10
Salvation from sin Matthew 1:21
Salvation from the wrath of God Romans 5:9
A Salvation which is eschatological Romans 13:11; 1 Corinthians 5:5; 2 Timothy 4:18; 1 Peter 1:5
Note: this month we are singing I Can Only Imagine. Here is a video of the song by Mercy Me, if you are interested in hearing the music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S70gwFcSK9k.
* Ellen and Sarah have done an awesome job on the bLT!
* Melissa has finished her classes, passed her finals and earned 2 scholarships!
* Sarah did a great job with our spring retreat and everyone had a blast!
* Shannon's dad will not have heart surgery this summer and is doing better physically and emotionally.
* Sarah had a great week at work and will be promoted soon!
* Alex and family had a good and productive counseling session and his family is interested in doing it again!
* David is done with his crazy schedule (and got a "B" in his Spanish class)!
* Doug is meeting with a producer/director and requests prayers for a good job.
* Shannon asks for continued prayers for her father, Don, who just had a bone/marrow biopsy and will get the results on June 25th. Pray that there is nothing majorly wrong and that whatever is found is treatable.
* Alex asks for continued prayers for his brother and his family.
* Please pray for Amy as she goes through a hard time emotionally.
* Pray that Michelle and Paul have settled into their new home and community. Pray that their jobs are rewarding and that they meet wonderful people.
* David is considering a new job opportunity that would be great experience, but has several drawbacks. Pray that the Lord shows him what the right decision will be for him.
* Kelli asks for continued prayers for her father. Please pray that the treatment he is getting will make him physically well and that God will touch his heart and body to heal and lift his spirits.
* Please continue to pray for Anna's sister.
* Please pray for Tracey (who had a prayer quilt tied this morning) Tracey T is a vibrant 39 year old who affirms life through her warm relationships with her friends, family, students, and especially her husband, Brandon. She has been an energetic participant in a survivor support group at Santa Monica's Wellness Community. Her cancer has metastasized and now threatens her life. Tracey is 27 weeks pregnant. She is being treated at UCLA hospital in Westwood. She requests prayers for: *strength to lift her spirits in her battle with cancer; *the delivery of a healthy baby; *a chance to be a mom; and *success for her medical team in keeping her cancer in check.
Salvation (sōtéria)
Salvation from physical illness Matthew 9:21; Luke 8:36
Salvation from danger Mathew 8:25; 14:30
Salvation from life's infection Acts 2:40
Salvation from lostness Matthew 18:11; Luke 19:10
Salvation from sin Matthew 1:21
Salvation from the wrath of God Romans 5:9
A Salvation which is eschatological Romans 13:11; 1 Corinthians 5:5; 2 Timothy 4:18; 1 Peter 1:5
Note: this month we are singing I Can Only Imagine. Here is a video of the song by Mercy Me, if you are interested in hearing the music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S70gwFcSK9k.
* Ellen and Sarah have done an awesome job on the bLT!
* Melissa has finished her classes, passed her finals and earned 2 scholarships!
* Sarah did a great job with our spring retreat and everyone had a blast!
* Shannon's dad will not have heart surgery this summer and is doing better physically and emotionally.
* Sarah had a great week at work and will be promoted soon!
* Alex and family had a good and productive counseling session and his family is interested in doing it again!
* David is done with his crazy schedule (and got a "B" in his Spanish class)!
* Doug is meeting with a producer/director and requests prayers for a good job.
* Shannon asks for continued prayers for her father, Don, who just had a bone/marrow biopsy and will get the results on June 25th. Pray that there is nothing majorly wrong and that whatever is found is treatable.
* Alex asks for continued prayers for his brother and his family.
* Please pray for Amy as she goes through a hard time emotionally.
* Pray that Michelle and Paul have settled into their new home and community. Pray that their jobs are rewarding and that they meet wonderful people.
* David is considering a new job opportunity that would be great experience, but has several drawbacks. Pray that the Lord shows him what the right decision will be for him.
* Kelli asks for continued prayers for her father. Please pray that the treatment he is getting will make him physically well and that God will touch his heart and body to heal and lift his spirits.
* Please continue to pray for Anna's sister.
* Please pray for Tracey (who had a prayer quilt tied this morning) Tracey T is a vibrant 39 year old who affirms life through her warm relationships with her friends, family, students, and especially her husband, Brandon. She has been an energetic participant in a survivor support group at Santa Monica's Wellness Community. Her cancer has metastasized and now threatens her life. Tracey is 27 weeks pregnant. She is being treated at UCLA hospital in Westwood. She requests prayers for: *strength to lift her spirits in her battle with cancer; *the delivery of a healthy baby; *a chance to be a mom; and *success for her medical team in keeping her cancer in check.
June fun.
We are gathering a group to go to the "United Methodist Family Night at Dodger Stadium" on Friday, July 11, at 7:40 pm. If you would like to go with us, please bring $17 to the bridge THIS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18TH as we have to order the tickets before next week. If you are unable to get to the bridge meeting, please send the money with another member or talk with one of the bLT by this Wednesday. The Los Angeles Dodgers will be playing the Florida Marlins and it's a lot of fun. We have a new location for seats this year, which will be located in the infield Reserve Level. Tickets are $17 ($28 value). (David)
The bridge is building a service relationship with Upward Bound House (across the street from the church) and there is a service opportunity this Thursday, June 19th. They are looking for people to help with the setup, serving and clean up for their fundraising dinner. If you are interested, please contact Ellen.
The First Annual UMYF vs. the bridge volleyball game will take place on Sunday, June 29th. Please plan to come and have fun. There will be dinner at the church and we will head to the beach for some volleyball. Sorry, I forgot to write down the time (I believe it is 6-9), but will have the exact times next e-mail. (Rachel/Noel)
Random note: we have a lot of hamburgers left over from the all church BBQ and are planning an upcoming all bridge BBQ and potluck. Details to follow when we have a date. It will be at the church on a Wednesday night.
The bridge is planning a trip to the Getty Center this summer, more details to follow. (Chris)
LACMA has music on Fri Nights. (Sarah)
July 26 – Relay for Life. We have participated in the Relay for Life for several years with great spirit and enthusiasm, but haven't put as much effort into the fundraising portion of the event. The bLT has decided not to make this a bridge sponsored event this year unless people are really interested in doing it, including the fundraising aspect. The goal would be for $100 per person. This doesn't mean that everyone would have to raise the $100, but that they would commit to actively try to raise it. If you are interested and want the bridge to continue to be involved in this event, please reply to this email or let a bLT member know. See http://www.relayforlife.org/relay/about for more details.
We are planning a welcome potluck dinner for our new church staff this summer. More details to follow. (bLT)
August 11-18th: AIDS Exhibit (?)
Coffee hour August 24th. One service Sunday. Please plan to bring goodies to drop off before the service. (bLT)
Interested in being a Welcome Ambassador for the church? Talk to Alex!
Please send updated personal info to Shannon or thebridge (see email for details).
The bridge is building a service relationship with Upward Bound House (across the street from the church) and there is a service opportunity this Thursday, June 19th. They are looking for people to help with the setup, serving and clean up for their fundraising dinner. If you are interested, please contact Ellen.
The First Annual UMYF vs. the bridge volleyball game will take place on Sunday, June 29th. Please plan to come and have fun. There will be dinner at the church and we will head to the beach for some volleyball. Sorry, I forgot to write down the time (I believe it is 6-9), but will have the exact times next e-mail. (Rachel/Noel)
Random note: we have a lot of hamburgers left over from the all church BBQ and are planning an upcoming all bridge BBQ and potluck. Details to follow when we have a date. It will be at the church on a Wednesday night.
The bridge is planning a trip to the Getty Center this summer, more details to follow. (Chris)
LACMA has music on Fri Nights. (Sarah)
July 26 – Relay for Life. We have participated in the Relay for Life for several years with great spirit and enthusiasm, but haven't put as much effort into the fundraising portion of the event. The bLT has decided not to make this a bridge sponsored event this year unless people are really interested in doing it, including the fundraising aspect. The goal would be for $100 per person. This doesn't mean that everyone would have to raise the $100, but that they would commit to actively try to raise it. If you are interested and want the bridge to continue to be involved in this event, please reply to this email or let a bLT member know. See http://www.relayforlife.org/relay/about for more details.
We are planning a welcome potluck dinner for our new church staff this summer. More details to follow. (bLT)
August 11-18th: AIDS Exhibit (?)
Coffee hour August 24th. One service Sunday. Please plan to bring goodies to drop off before the service. (bLT)
Interested in being a Welcome Ambassador for the church? Talk to Alex!
Please send updated personal info to Shannon or thebridge (see email for details).
Saturday, June 7, 2008
How's the bridge?
So, I bet you have all been wondering. What’s the bridge up to now? The past couple of months have been crazy with bible study, service, and fellowship.
We had a great turn out for our Habitat day even with little notice of the build from Habitat; likewise, we filled our van to head out to the L.A. Mission after a last minute change of plans for Big Saturday. We completed 15 healthcare kits for UMCOR and had several other “partials” that we donated to other church groups to fill out.
I know that the spring retreat is our “spiritual” retreat of the year, but can you hang out with the bridge and not have fun? Dutch Blitz, water bottle baseball, loaded questions. Have you ever walked up a ladder blindfolded? How about through the sanctuary? Of course we did a lot of study as well. It was great to be hiking up a mountain while studying Bible verses and John Wesley’s sermons. We even managed to do a little service in making cookies for the fellowship hour after church as a thank you to Wrightwood Methodist Church for letting us stay at their church for free. Thank you Sarah for all your hard work securing the place for the retreat, planning the activities (rope course!) and menu, buying the food, and of course our wonderful bible study, discussions and wrap up. It was a great weekend enjoyed by all.
The bLT will be transitioning again this month (get your ideas, suggestions, comments to the suggestion box or a bLT member by this Wednesday, June 11 to be discussed at our meeting the next weekend). We welcome Alex and Kellie while saying goodbye to Sarah and Ellen. This will be the first time that the bLT will not have members of the original bLT group on board. You have all made a lasting impression and we will do our best to fill your shoes. Ellen, you have done such a wonderful job finding and coordinating the service projects, especially with UBH and Habitat! Sarah, our organizer and secretary; I have never enjoyed reading minutes more! You both have helped to make the bridge what it is with your time, talents and ideas and will be missed at our future planning sessions.
We had a great turn out for our Habitat day even with little notice of the build from Habitat; likewise, we filled our van to head out to the L.A. Mission after a last minute change of plans for Big Saturday. We completed 15 healthcare kits for UMCOR and had several other “partials” that we donated to other church groups to fill out.
I know that the spring retreat is our “spiritual” retreat of the year, but can you hang out with the bridge and not have fun? Dutch Blitz, water bottle baseball, loaded questions. Have you ever walked up a ladder blindfolded? How about through the sanctuary? Of course we did a lot of study as well. It was great to be hiking up a mountain while studying Bible verses and John Wesley’s sermons. We even managed to do a little service in making cookies for the fellowship hour after church as a thank you to Wrightwood Methodist Church for letting us stay at their church for free. Thank you Sarah for all your hard work securing the place for the retreat, planning the activities (rope course!) and menu, buying the food, and of course our wonderful bible study, discussions and wrap up. It was a great weekend enjoyed by all.
The bLT will be transitioning again this month (get your ideas, suggestions, comments to the suggestion box or a bLT member by this Wednesday, June 11 to be discussed at our meeting the next weekend). We welcome Alex and Kellie while saying goodbye to Sarah and Ellen. This will be the first time that the bLT will not have members of the original bLT group on board. You have all made a lasting impression and we will do our best to fill your shoes. Ellen, you have done such a wonderful job finding and coordinating the service projects, especially with UBH and Habitat! Sarah, our organizer and secretary; I have never enjoyed reading minutes more! You both have helped to make the bridge what it is with your time, talents and ideas and will be missed at our future planning sessions.
Romans chapter 2
Romans 2: What it means to be a Jew
Romans 2:1-11 The Responsibility of Privilege
Paul is directly addressing the Jews here. Previously he painted a dark picture of the heathen world (which the Jews agreed with). But, they failed to see that they were also sinners.
They thought they occupied a privileged position.
Paul reminded the Jews of (4) things:
Trading on the mercy of God Romans 2:4
Kindness (chrēstotēs)
Good in Greek is agathos and chrēstos
An Agathos man will rebuke in discipline and punishment. EG, Jesus driving out moneylenders from the temple.
A Chrēstos man is always essentially kind. EG, Jesus’ acts towards the adulteress
Forbearance (anochē) = Truce
A man cannot sin forever with impunity
Patience (makrothumia) = Patience with People
A man who has the power to avenge himself and deliberately does not.
The Jews were taking the mercy and love of God as invitation to sin rather than as an incentive to repentance.
God will forgive me, it is his trade. Heinrich Heine.
There is NO “Most Favored Nation” clause
People are picked for special tasks and special responsibilities, but not for special privileges and special considerations.
Faith is no faith at all without deeds
Romans 2:6
A man’s works and faith are bound together
“To Paul a faith which did not issue in deeds was a travesty of faith; in fact it was no faith at all.”
Romans 2:12-16 The Unwritten Law
A man will be judged by what he has the opportunity to know. IE, God is fair. J
If he knows the Law, he will be judged by how he lived with the Law
If he does not know the Law, he will be judged to his faithfulness to the highest that it was possible for him to know.
We all have an unwritten Law in our hearts
Instinctive knowledge of right and wrong.
This is inline with Greek reasoning of the time
No one is exempt from God’s judgment.
Romans 2:17-29 The Real Jew
Jewishness is not a matter of race; it is a matter of conduct.
Romans 2:29 The praise of such a man comes not from men but from God.
Praise (epianos) is the traditional meaning of Judah – who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob and a great-grandson of Abraham. He founded the Kingdom of Judah, which is one of the twelve tribes of Israel (from Jacob’s 12 sons).
This verse then, also means: The Jewishness of such a man comes not from men but from God.
There were some Jews who, by their conduct, defamed the name of God.
How we act as Jews/Christians gives the rest of the world a perception as to what we believe and who our God is.
At that time, there was a lot of ignorance about Judaism
Rumors that the Jews began as lepers, that they worshiped asses and pigs, that they were lazy for not working on the Sabbath.
At the time, there was a lot of resentment about Judaism
Jews were unpopular, but the Roman government gave them select privileges.
They were allowed to transmit the Temple Tax to Jerusalem every year.
They were allowed to have their own courts and live by their own laws (at least more so than the Gentiles).
They didn’t have to work on the Sabbath
This meant… they weren’t forced to join the army.
(1) Big Misperception
Others thought they were atheist since there were no visible images to worship. This was very different from any other religion of the time.
Mostly though…. They had a great contempt for others
Tacitus (a Roman Senator and Historian 56-117 CA) said: “Among themselves their honesty is inflexible, their compassion quick to move, but to all other persons they show the hatred of antagonism.”
“The did bring the name of God into disrepute, because they shut themselves into a rigid little community from which all others were shut out and because they showed to the heathen an attitude of contempt for their worship and complete lack of charity for their needs.”
Real Christianity is a thing of the open heart and the open door.
Romans 2:1-11 The Responsibility of Privilege
Paul is directly addressing the Jews here. Previously he painted a dark picture of the heathen world (which the Jews agreed with). But, they failed to see that they were also sinners.
They thought they occupied a privileged position.
Paul reminded the Jews of (4) things:
Trading on the mercy of God Romans 2:4
Kindness (chrēstotēs)
Good in Greek is agathos and chrēstos
An Agathos man will rebuke in discipline and punishment. EG, Jesus driving out moneylenders from the temple.
A Chrēstos man is always essentially kind. EG, Jesus’ acts towards the adulteress
Forbearance (anochē) = Truce
A man cannot sin forever with impunity
Patience (makrothumia) = Patience with People
A man who has the power to avenge himself and deliberately does not.
The Jews were taking the mercy and love of God as invitation to sin rather than as an incentive to repentance.
God will forgive me, it is his trade. Heinrich Heine.
There is NO “Most Favored Nation” clause
People are picked for special tasks and special responsibilities, but not for special privileges and special considerations.
Faith is no faith at all without deeds
Romans 2:6
A man’s works and faith are bound together
“To Paul a faith which did not issue in deeds was a travesty of faith; in fact it was no faith at all.”
Romans 2:12-16 The Unwritten Law
A man will be judged by what he has the opportunity to know. IE, God is fair. J
If he knows the Law, he will be judged by how he lived with the Law
If he does not know the Law, he will be judged to his faithfulness to the highest that it was possible for him to know.
We all have an unwritten Law in our hearts
Instinctive knowledge of right and wrong.
This is inline with Greek reasoning of the time
No one is exempt from God’s judgment.
Romans 2:17-29 The Real Jew
Jewishness is not a matter of race; it is a matter of conduct.
Romans 2:29 The praise of such a man comes not from men but from God.
Praise (epianos) is the traditional meaning of Judah – who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob and a great-grandson of Abraham. He founded the Kingdom of Judah, which is one of the twelve tribes of Israel (from Jacob’s 12 sons).
This verse then, also means: The Jewishness of such a man comes not from men but from God.
There were some Jews who, by their conduct, defamed the name of God.
How we act as Jews/Christians gives the rest of the world a perception as to what we believe and who our God is.
At that time, there was a lot of ignorance about Judaism
Rumors that the Jews began as lepers, that they worshiped asses and pigs, that they were lazy for not working on the Sabbath.
At the time, there was a lot of resentment about Judaism
Jews were unpopular, but the Roman government gave them select privileges.
They were allowed to transmit the Temple Tax to Jerusalem every year.
They were allowed to have their own courts and live by their own laws (at least more so than the Gentiles).
They didn’t have to work on the Sabbath
This meant… they weren’t forced to join the army.
(1) Big Misperception
Others thought they were atheist since there were no visible images to worship. This was very different from any other religion of the time.
Mostly though…. They had a great contempt for others
Tacitus (a Roman Senator and Historian 56-117 CA) said: “Among themselves their honesty is inflexible, their compassion quick to move, but to all other persons they show the hatred of antagonism.”
“The did bring the name of God into disrepute, because they shut themselves into a rigid little community from which all others were shut out and because they showed to the heathen an attitude of contempt for their worship and complete lack of charity for their needs.”
Real Christianity is a thing of the open heart and the open door.
The Pillars of Paul’s thoughts and beliefs:
Salvation (sōtéria)
Salvation from physical illness Matthew 9:21; Luke 8:36
Salvation from danger Mathew 8:25; 14:30
Salvation from life’s infection Acts 2:40
Salvation from lostness Matthew 18:11; Luke 19:10
Salvation from sin Matthew 1:21
Salvation from the wrath of God Romans 5:9
A Salvation which is eschatological
Romans 13:11; 1 Corinthians 5:5; 2 Timothy 4:18; 1 Peter 1:5
Loyalty 2 Thessalonians 1:4
Belief 1 Corinthians 15:17
The Christian Religion 2 Corinthians 13:5
Indestructible Hope 2 Corinthians 5:7
Total Acceptance & Absolute Trust
Being receptive
Mental Assent
Total Surrender
Justification (dikaiosuné)
To justify (dikaioun)
Digular is dikaioō
Greek words ending in oō do not mean to prove or to make a person or thing to be something. They mean to treat or account or to reckon a person as something.
If God justifies a sinner, it means that God treats the sinner as if he had not been a sinner at all.
Justification means that God thinks of us as a good men. As people to be loved, not as enimies.
Justification is the right relationship between God and man.
The man who is just, is the man who is in this right relationship, and he is in it not because of anything that he has done, but because of what God has done.
In Faith he cast himself upon God’s mercy and Love. He did not earn that love by following the law.
The Just shall live by Faith
Salvation from physical illness Matthew 9:21; Luke 8:36
Salvation from danger Mathew 8:25; 14:30
Salvation from life’s infection Acts 2:40
Salvation from lostness Matthew 18:11; Luke 19:10
Salvation from sin Matthew 1:21
Salvation from the wrath of God Romans 5:9
A Salvation which is eschatological
Romans 13:11; 1 Corinthians 5:5; 2 Timothy 4:18; 1 Peter 1:5
Loyalty 2 Thessalonians 1:4
Belief 1 Corinthians 15:17
The Christian Religion 2 Corinthians 13:5
Indestructible Hope 2 Corinthians 5:7
Total Acceptance & Absolute Trust
Being receptive
Mental Assent
Total Surrender
Justification (dikaiosuné)
To justify (dikaioun)
Digular is dikaioō
Greek words ending in oō do not mean to prove or to make a person or thing to be something. They mean to treat or account or to reckon a person as something.
If God justifies a sinner, it means that God treats the sinner as if he had not been a sinner at all.
Justification means that God thinks of us as a good men. As people to be loved, not as enimies.
Justification is the right relationship between God and man.
The man who is just, is the man who is in this right relationship, and he is in it not because of anything that he has done, but because of what God has done.
In Faith he cast himself upon God’s mercy and Love. He did not earn that love by following the law.
The Just shall live by Faith
The Letter to the Romans by Paul
Romans 1: 1-7 A Call, A Gospel and A Task
Greek Definition of Slave = doulos
Gospel of the incarnation and the resurrection
What does it mean to be called by God? By men?
Romans 1: 8-15 The Courtesy of Greatness
Communities were very isolated from each other. Paul had to get past their suspicion of foreigners and also convince them he wasn’t going trespass or interfere.
Paul was a great teacher, but he was humble as a teacher.
Gift of prayer for out fellow man
Message for world, no matter what culture or education or station a people/person has.
Romans 1: 16,17 Good News of Which to Be Proud
The pillars of Paul’s thoughts and beliefs:
Romans 1: 18-23 The Wrath of God
In the Old Testament, the wrath of God is connected with the idea of the covenant people. The special relationship with Israel would keep as long as they keep his law
A breach of the law would provoke God’s wrath on Israel
Others could incur the wrath of God by hurting Israel
The prophets emphasized the wrath of God continually working to annihilate sin.
“The soul that sins shall die.” Ezekiel 18:4
Moral order is the wrath of God at work
But… as Christians we know that God Loves us
Paul never speaks of God being angry. He mentions the wrath of God (3) times. Here, Ephesians 5:6 and Colossians 3:6
Always against disobedience
Paul does mention “The Wrath” in other places. “The Wrath” is an impersonal force in the world, which Jesus saves men from. It will come up later in Romans and 1 Thessalonians 1:10.
Paul believes we find God in the world. See who God is in nature.
See that suffering follows sin.
The sinners turn to man instead of to God. He made his own laws instead of looking at nature and following the will of God.
Simmer’s folly is making man the “master of things.”
Result is idolatry.
Rooted in selfishness. Worship for his own sake, and not for God’s
Essence of sin is to put self in place of God.
Romans 1: 24,25 Men with Whom God Can do Nothing
Greek definition of desires = epithumia
Passionate desire for forbidden pleasure
God abandoning men
He gave us free-will, so we have the choice to turn our back on God.
We have the choice to be a slave to God or a slave to sin.
Romans 1: 26, 27 An Age of Shame
Rome was out of control!!! See why below…
Romans 1: 28-32 The Life Which has Left God Out of the Reckoning
Man brings a judgment upon himself by banishing God
Evil (adikia) is the opposite of Justice (diaiosuńe) which is giving to God and to men their due
Villainy (ponéria) is a badness which hurts the person concerned. It is an active, deliberate will to corrupt and to inflict injury. The devil was called ho ponéros, the evil one.
The lust to get (pleonexia) is the accursed love of having. A desire that knows no laws and disregards all others.
Viciousness (kakia) is a man destitute of every quality which would make him good. Most general word in greek for badness.
Envy (phthonos) is a resentful envy that warps human emotions
Murder (phonos) Remember that Jesus told us that even the spirit of anger and hatred is murder. Before him, it was just the act of killing, not the thought.
Strife (eris) is contention born of envy, ambition, desire for prestige and arises from a hart of jealousy.
Deceit (dalos) is a man who plots intrigues.
Evil-Naturedness (kakoétheia) the spirit which thinks the worst of others
Whisperers and slanderers (psitheristés and katalalos).
Haters of God (theostugeis) see God as barrier to pleasure.
Insolent men (hubristés) men who defy God and are cruel
Arrogent Men (huperéphanos) contempt for others
Braggarts (alazōn)
Inventors of Evil (epheuretés kakōn)
Disobedient to their parents (goneusin apeitheis)
Senseless (asunetos)
Breakers of agreements (asunthetos)
Without natural affections (astorgos) family love
Pitiless (aneleémōn)
Greek Definition of Slave = doulos
Gospel of the incarnation and the resurrection
What does it mean to be called by God? By men?
Romans 1: 8-15 The Courtesy of Greatness
Communities were very isolated from each other. Paul had to get past their suspicion of foreigners and also convince them he wasn’t going trespass or interfere.
Paul was a great teacher, but he was humble as a teacher.
Gift of prayer for out fellow man
Message for world, no matter what culture or education or station a people/person has.
Romans 1: 16,17 Good News of Which to Be Proud
The pillars of Paul’s thoughts and beliefs:
Romans 1: 18-23 The Wrath of God
In the Old Testament, the wrath of God is connected with the idea of the covenant people. The special relationship with Israel would keep as long as they keep his law
A breach of the law would provoke God’s wrath on Israel
Others could incur the wrath of God by hurting Israel
The prophets emphasized the wrath of God continually working to annihilate sin.
“The soul that sins shall die.” Ezekiel 18:4
Moral order is the wrath of God at work
But… as Christians we know that God Loves us
Paul never speaks of God being angry. He mentions the wrath of God (3) times. Here, Ephesians 5:6 and Colossians 3:6
Always against disobedience
Paul does mention “The Wrath” in other places. “The Wrath” is an impersonal force in the world, which Jesus saves men from. It will come up later in Romans and 1 Thessalonians 1:10.
Paul believes we find God in the world. See who God is in nature.
See that suffering follows sin.
The sinners turn to man instead of to God. He made his own laws instead of looking at nature and following the will of God.
Simmer’s folly is making man the “master of things.”
Result is idolatry.
Rooted in selfishness. Worship for his own sake, and not for God’s
Essence of sin is to put self in place of God.
Romans 1: 24,25 Men with Whom God Can do Nothing
Greek definition of desires = epithumia
Passionate desire for forbidden pleasure
God abandoning men
He gave us free-will, so we have the choice to turn our back on God.
We have the choice to be a slave to God or a slave to sin.
Romans 1: 26, 27 An Age of Shame
Rome was out of control!!! See why below…
Romans 1: 28-32 The Life Which has Left God Out of the Reckoning
Man brings a judgment upon himself by banishing God
Evil (adikia) is the opposite of Justice (diaiosuńe) which is giving to God and to men their due
Villainy (ponéria) is a badness which hurts the person concerned. It is an active, deliberate will to corrupt and to inflict injury. The devil was called ho ponéros, the evil one.
The lust to get (pleonexia) is the accursed love of having. A desire that knows no laws and disregards all others.
Viciousness (kakia) is a man destitute of every quality which would make him good. Most general word in greek for badness.
Envy (phthonos) is a resentful envy that warps human emotions
Murder (phonos) Remember that Jesus told us that even the spirit of anger and hatred is murder. Before him, it was just the act of killing, not the thought.
Strife (eris) is contention born of envy, ambition, desire for prestige and arises from a hart of jealousy.
Deceit (dalos) is a man who plots intrigues.
Evil-Naturedness (kakoétheia) the spirit which thinks the worst of others
Whisperers and slanderers (psitheristés and katalalos).
Haters of God (theostugeis) see God as barrier to pleasure.
Insolent men (hubristés) men who defy God and are cruel
Arrogent Men (huperéphanos) contempt for others
Braggarts (alazōn)
Inventors of Evil (epheuretés kakōn)
Disobedient to their parents (goneusin apeitheis)
Senseless (asunetos)
Breakers of agreements (asunthetos)
Without natural affections (astorgos) family love
Pitiless (aneleémōn)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
The Story of the Scallop Shell
During the 12th and 13th centuries pilgrims traveled to Santiago de Campestela, a town in the farthest northwestern reach of Spain where in the cathedral, tradition says, the relics of Saint James the Apostle rest. Compestela became, after Jeruselem and Rome, the most famous place of pilgrimage in Christendom. Pilgrims were guided along the route by the scallop shell painted on signs and carved into buildings. Along the Camino de Santiago in the city of Leon the scallop shell continued to mark the route. Here they are made of brass and embedded in the city's sidewalks and squares. The scallop shell became the symbol of this pilgrimage.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Jesus is the Light, and we need no other Light
We continued our study on Christian Meditation with Alex last night with a Labyrinth walk led by Mary Garbesi. We learned a little of the history of labyrinths and of our labyrinth in particular. After walking the labyrinth, we discussed our thoughts and experiences with the labyrinth. Make sure to come next Wednesday for the final installment on Christian meditation!
Thanks Alex for teaching us a new song and for bringing in all the instruments! It definitely made up for the previous 'songless' Wednesdays!
Next month, Sarah will be facilitating Romans.
Please pray these prayers:
* bridge members - We didn't do individual prayers this past Wednesday. Please keep all the bridge members and their families in your prayers this week.
* Matthew Logan (Whitney's friend) - Friday night (4/18) a car jumped the curb and hit a group of people. He was walking on the sidewalk. He was taken to the neuro-ICU, where he had brain swelling and bleeding, so they had to put in a stint on Saturday. So far the doctors have kept Mat in a medically induced coma due to his head trauma. The pressure has gone down some, and if Mat continues to remain stable, they will take him of the sedation and paralytics on Thursday, so as to see if there is a response. The most recent update is he had some swelling overnight, so had to postpone the med withdrawal to add another drain.
* Whitney's brother - He's decided to request for a transfer from his naval station in Groton, CT. He has always struggled to fit in in life, and it has finally become too difficult for him to continue to work where he is stationed based on the treatment he receives from those he works with. Please pray for healing, strength, love to surround him, and that this situation will not exacerbate what he is already facing from his fleet.
* Jay and KAtherine Wolfe and new baby (see e-mails sent out by Peter) -Katharine collapsed due to a preexisting brain condition and she had emergency surgery for hemmoraging. The doctors are very concerned that she will have permanent brain damage. The family is asking that the prayers keep pouring in as we are all asking for a total miracle. Her husband Jay has asked that we begin to pray Mark 5:41 -- to believe that Jesus is speaking to Katharine. "He took her by the hand and said to her, "Talitha koum!" (which means, "Little girl, I say to you, get up!")" -- Mark 5:41
Praise God for:
* bridge members - praise God for all the wonderful things that we have in our lives. Enough to eat, clothing to keep us warm, a safe place to sleep at night, friends and family.
Thanks Alex for teaching us a new song and for bringing in all the instruments! It definitely made up for the previous 'songless' Wednesdays!
Next month, Sarah will be facilitating Romans.
Please pray these prayers:
* bridge members - We didn't do individual prayers this past Wednesday. Please keep all the bridge members and their families in your prayers this week.
* Matthew Logan (Whitney's friend) - Friday night (4/18) a car jumped the curb and hit a group of people. He was walking on the sidewalk. He was taken to the neuro-ICU, where he had brain swelling and bleeding, so they had to put in a stint on Saturday. So far the doctors have kept Mat in a medically induced coma due to his head trauma. The pressure has gone down some, and if Mat continues to remain stable, they will take him of the sedation and paralytics on Thursday, so as to see if there is a response. The most recent update is he had some swelling overnight, so had to postpone the med withdrawal to add another drain.
* Whitney's brother - He's decided to request for a transfer from his naval station in Groton, CT. He has always struggled to fit in in life, and it has finally become too difficult for him to continue to work where he is stationed based on the treatment he receives from those he works with. Please pray for healing, strength, love to surround him, and that this situation will not exacerbate what he is already facing from his fleet.
* Jay and KAtherine Wolfe and new baby (see e-mails sent out by Peter) -Katharine collapsed due to a preexisting brain condition and she had emergency surgery for hemmoraging. The doctors are very concerned that she will have permanent brain damage. The family is asking that the prayers keep pouring in as we are all asking for a total miracle. Her husband Jay has asked that we begin to pray Mark 5:41 -- to believe that Jesus is speaking to Katharine. "He took her by the hand and said to her, "Talitha koum!" (which means, "Little girl, I say to you, get up!")" -- Mark 5:41
Praise God for:
* bridge members - praise God for all the wonderful things that we have in our lives. Enough to eat, clothing to keep us warm, a safe place to sleep at night, friends and family.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Mission Project for 2008 Annual Conference: VIM healthcare kits.
Mission Project for 2008 Annual Conference: VIM healthcare kits.
This is a project that we have participated in in the past and will do again this year.
See http://new.gbgm-umc.org/umcor/getconnected/supplies/ for more information.
Items needed include: gallon sized plastic bags, hand towels (15" x 25" up to 17" x 27", No kitchen towels), washcloths, large, sturdy combs (not pocket-sized), nail files or fingernail clippers (no emery boards or toenail clippers), bath-size bars of soap (3 oz. and up), toothbrushes (single brushes only in original wrapper, No child-size brushes), adhesive plastic strip sterile bandages, $ to purchase toothpaste (in $1 increments, they no longer accept toothpaste and ask for $1 per kit to purchase in bulk).
Thank you everyone who signed up to bring items:
Alex, Ellen, Rachel, Noel, Ashok, Rebecca, Sarah, Shannon, Erin , Kellie, Paul, and Michelle
If you weren't at the last bridge meeting and would like to contibute, we still need 15 hand towels (I forgot to put them on the sign-up sheet). If you would like to bring other items we will continue to make as many kits as possible and can donate partial kits to other groups in the church to finish. We will collect items throughout April.
This is a project that we have participated in in the past and will do again this year.
See http://new.gbgm-umc.org/umcor/getconnected/supplies/ for more information.
Items needed include: gallon sized plastic bags, hand towels (15" x 25" up to 17" x 27", No kitchen towels), washcloths, large, sturdy combs (not pocket-sized), nail files or fingernail clippers (no emery boards or toenail clippers), bath-size bars of soap (3 oz. and up), toothbrushes (single brushes only in original wrapper, No child-size brushes), adhesive plastic strip sterile bandages, $ to purchase toothpaste (in $1 increments, they no longer accept toothpaste and ask for $1 per kit to purchase in bulk).
Thank you everyone who signed up to bring items:
Alex, Ellen, Rachel, Noel, Ashok, Rebecca, Sarah, Shannon, Erin , Kellie, Paul, and Michelle
If you weren't at the last bridge meeting and would like to contibute, we still need 15 hand towels (I forgot to put them on the sign-up sheet). If you would like to bring other items we will continue to make as many kits as possible and can donate partial kits to other groups in the church to finish. We will collect items throughout April.
May 3 - BIG SATURDAY Please note: we will be working on SATURDAY even though it's called Big Sunday. We took a final vote at the last bridge meeting and have come up with a project. There is a lot of work to be done and is centrally located for bridge members. I have signed us up as a group (if you look at the project it will say full). Please let Shannon know if you plan on coming as we need to make sure that we have a group. Phoenix House in Venice helps men with serious histories of drug addiction and incarceration reclaim disordered lives. They've asked us to help them convert a 900 square foot space on their property "from an eyesore to a landscaped area where their clients can relax and be at peace." It's a b-i-g Big Sunday fix-up project, involving new sod, plants, pouring concrete, and some "very patient painters." This great project, right on the beach, will involve lots of hard work, and loads of good spirit. Venice, CA 90291 Saturday, May 03, 2008 09:00 AM To: 04:00PM
May 30/June 1 - Bridge spiritual retreat
May 30/June 1 - Bridge spiritual retreat We have secured a place to stay for the retreat!!
The bLT hopes to organize two retreats a year -- one focusing on fellowship and the other focusing on spiritual renewal. This upcoming retreat is our spiritual retreat; so the focus will be on spiritual renewal, not who finished the most bottles of wine :) To that end we will capitalize on our location and spend some time in the woods by going on a small hike or walk, engaging in some contemplative readings and discussions -- ie, bible studies :) -- and a few other activities in that general theme.
If anyone has anything they really want to do, let Sarah know and she make it happen. Do I hear hula hoop team building anyone?
So, for those who were wondering what we do on our retreats... it is basically a Wednesday night meeting stretched out for a weekend. Time filled with fellowship, fun and study... or to quote our Mission Statement: adults gathering for the purpose of Spiritual Growth, recognizing Spiritual Growth as encompassing elements of study, fellowship, and service.
If you still have any questions (or suggestions for the retreat) please let the bLT know.
Thanks! Sarah
The Wrightwood United Methodist Church has graciously allowed us to stay in their church and use their facilities. The cost of the retreat will be $30 per person, but if you can't afford it please talk to one of the bLT members and we will help you out. Please let the bLT know if you are planning on attending by either signing up on the board in the bridge room or emailing shuntting@gmail.com or signing up on the evite: We would like to get a ballpark figure soon for planning purposes, so the sooner you an let us know the better (it would be extremely helpful if you respond even if you are not sure YES/NO/MAYBE). (you can always go back and change your answer if you are a maybe) Hope to see you all there!!
The bLT hopes to organize two retreats a year -- one focusing on fellowship and the other focusing on spiritual renewal. This upcoming retreat is our spiritual retreat; so the focus will be on spiritual renewal, not who finished the most bottles of wine :) To that end we will capitalize on our location and spend some time in the woods by going on a small hike or walk, engaging in some contemplative readings and discussions -- ie, bible studies :) -- and a few other activities in that general theme.
If anyone has anything they really want to do, let Sarah know and she make it happen. Do I hear hula hoop team building anyone?
So, for those who were wondering what we do on our retreats... it is basically a Wednesday night meeting stretched out for a weekend. Time filled with fellowship, fun and study... or to quote our Mission Statement: adults gathering for the purpose of Spiritual Growth, recognizing Spiritual Growth as encompassing elements of study, fellowship, and service.
If you still have any questions (or suggestions for the retreat) please let the bLT know.
Thanks! Sarah
The Wrightwood United Methodist Church has graciously allowed us to stay in their church and use their facilities. The cost of the retreat will be $30 per person, but if you can't afford it please talk to one of the bLT members and we will help you out. Please let the bLT know if you are planning on attending by either signing up on the board in the bridge room or emailing shuntting@gmail.com or signing up on the evite: We would like to get a ballpark figure soon for planning purposes, so the sooner you an let us know the better (it would be extremely helpful if you respond even if you are not sure YES/NO/MAYBE). (you can always go back and change your answer if you are a maybe) Hope to see you all there!!
Please pray these prayers:
Please pray these prayers:
* Chris - waiting for results of tests. Pray that everything comes out clean. Also pray that she and her husband find an answer to their financial difficulties.
* David - Pray that he learns how to study Spanish and give him the discipline to do so. Pray that he finds the right people to help him study.
* Zack/Grace (Alex' brother and his wife) - Pray that now that they are living together again they can improve their situation and get their son, Trent, the medical care that he needs.
* Daisy/Hooper (bunny) - pray that Sarah finds the right words to help Anna cope with the situation of putting him to sleep
* Nicole and her husband (Rebecca's sister) - Pray that she will come to terms with her difficult marriage and take steps to protect herself
* Brian (Shannon's nephew) - pray that he is able to understand that his actions have consequences and learns how to get along in the world
* Suri (Rebecca's boss' mother) - pray that she recovers from her heart attack without lingering medical problems.
* Rebecca - pray that her meeting with her boss goes well as they discuss her future with the company.
Praise God for:
* Zack (Alex' brother) - has found a job in a restaurant
* Chris - Is doing well as a checker
* Chris - waiting for results of tests. Pray that everything comes out clean. Also pray that she and her husband find an answer to their financial difficulties.
* David - Pray that he learns how to study Spanish and give him the discipline to do so. Pray that he finds the right people to help him study.
* Zack/Grace (Alex' brother and his wife) - Pray that now that they are living together again they can improve their situation and get their son, Trent, the medical care that he needs.
* Daisy/Hooper (bunny) - pray that Sarah finds the right words to help Anna cope with the situation of putting him to sleep
* Nicole and her husband (Rebecca's sister) - Pray that she will come to terms with her difficult marriage and take steps to protect herself
* Brian (Shannon's nephew) - pray that he is able to understand that his actions have consequences and learns how to get along in the world
* Suri (Rebecca's boss' mother) - pray that she recovers from her heart attack without lingering medical problems.
* Rebecca - pray that her meeting with her boss goes well as they discuss her future with the company.
Praise God for:
* Zack (Alex' brother) - has found a job in a restaurant
* Chris - Is doing well as a checker
Thursday, April 10, 2008
8 Minute Meditation by Victor Davich
Greetings friends,
Thanks for your participation and sharing last night at the Bridge. Here are the instructions for meditation this week.
Remember, I am challenging you to meditate for 8 minutes once a day until we meet next. Enjoy it!
Just One Breath
Set a timer or watch 8 minutes or just look at a clock
Find a comfortable position to sit
Gently allow your eyes to close
Take a long, deep inhale that sweeps up your current worries, hopes, and dreams. Hold it for a moment. Then gently and slowly "sigh" it out.
One more time. Deep breath. Release any remaining tension.
Start your meditation.
Meditation instructions:
Notice the place in your body where you are most aware of the sensation of breathing. It may be your chest, diaphragm, or nostrils. There is no "right" place.
Gently direct your attention to that place.
Observe the natural rise and fall of the breath.
Allow...allow...allow. Thre's no need to become involved or figure anything out.
Thinking? No problem. Simply notice your thoughts. Let them go and return to your focus point.
It often helps to focus on a word or a phrase if you find your mind wandering (like a Bible verse or the a fruit of the spirit - PEACE for example)
Continue to focus on the breath.
Whenever you lose focus just notice that you are thinking about it and then let it go and return to your focus.
Instructions come from: 8 Minute Meditation by Victor Davich
It's that easy. Good luck and I'll see you next week. We will be sharing our experiences, learning new meditation techniques from Christian history and more.
All the best,
Thanks for your participation and sharing last night at the Bridge. Here are the instructions for meditation this week.
Remember, I am challenging you to meditate for 8 minutes once a day until we meet next. Enjoy it!
Just One Breath
Set a timer or watch 8 minutes or just look at a clock
Find a comfortable position to sit
Gently allow your eyes to close
Take a long, deep inhale that sweeps up your current worries, hopes, and dreams. Hold it for a moment. Then gently and slowly "sigh" it out.
One more time. Deep breath. Release any remaining tension.
Start your meditation.
Meditation instructions:
Notice the place in your body where you are most aware of the sensation of breathing. It may be your chest, diaphragm, or nostrils. There is no "right" place.
Gently direct your attention to that place.
Observe the natural rise and fall of the breath.
Allow...allow...allow. Thre's no need to become involved or figure anything out.
Thinking? No problem. Simply notice your thoughts. Let them go and return to your focus point.
It often helps to focus on a word or a phrase if you find your mind wandering (like a Bible verse or the a fruit of the spirit - PEACE for example)
Continue to focus on the breath.
Whenever you lose focus just notice that you are thinking about it and then let it go and return to your focus.
Instructions come from: 8 Minute Meditation by Victor Davich
It's that easy. Good luck and I'll see you next week. We will be sharing our experiences, learning new meditation techniques from Christian history and more.
All the best,
Please pray these prayers:
* Chris - waiting for results of tests
* Sarah (Paul's friend) - expecting a baby soon
* Todd/Autumn (Kelli's brother/fiancee) - stressed about upcoming wedding in HI and all the 'advice' they are getting
* Daisy/Hooper (bunny) - pray that he hangs in there til Anna gets back from vacation
* People taking the PE this weekend - (Praise - Sarah already passed!)
* Ruby (Shannon's stepmother) - mother passed away
* David (Whitney's coworker) - Please say a prayer for my coworker, David. He is only 39 years old and is in the hospital now after having a stroke. They say he is awake but cannot speak.
Praise God for:
* Anna (Sarah'a roomate) - vacationing with family
* Ellen/Alex - LOved their trip to DC
* Ashok - his middle brother is getting married
* Sarah (Paul's friend) - expecting a baby soon
* Todd/Autumn (Kelli's brother/fiancee) - stressed about upcoming wedding in HI and all the 'advice' they are getting
* Daisy/Hooper (bunny) - pray that he hangs in there til Anna gets back from vacation
* People taking the PE this weekend - (Praise - Sarah already passed!)
* Ruby (Shannon's stepmother) - mother passed away
* David (Whitney's coworker) - Please say a prayer for my coworker, David. He is only 39 years old and is in the hospital now after having a stroke. They say he is awake but cannot speak.
Praise God for:
* Anna (Sarah'a roomate) - vacationing with family
* Ellen/Alex - LOved their trip to DC
* Ashok - his middle brother is getting married
Friday, March 28, 2008
VIM healthcare kits
Mission Project for 2008 Annual Conference: VIM healthcare kits.
This is a project that we have participated in in the past and will do again this year.
See http://new.gbgm-umc.org/umcor/getconnected/supplies/ for more information.
Items needed include: gallon sized plastic bags, hand towels (15" x 25" up to 17" x 27", No kitchen towels), washcloths, large, sturdy combs (not pocket-sized), nail files or fingernail clippers (no emery boards or toenail clippers), bath-size bars of soap (3 oz. and up), toothbrushes (single brushes only in original wrapper, No child-size brushes), adhesive plastic strip sterile bandages, $ to purchase toothpaste (in $1 increments, they no longer accept toothpaste and ask for $1 per kit to purchase in bulk).
There will be a sign up sheet starting on Game Night and we will collect items throughout April.
This is a project that we have participated in in the past and will do again this year.
See http://new.gbgm-umc.org/umcor/getconnected/supplies/ for more information.
Items needed include: gallon sized plastic bags, hand towels (15" x 25" up to 17" x 27", No kitchen towels), washcloths, large, sturdy combs (not pocket-sized), nail files or fingernail clippers (no emery boards or toenail clippers), bath-size bars of soap (3 oz. and up), toothbrushes (single brushes only in original wrapper, No child-size brushes), adhesive plastic strip sterile bandages, $ to purchase toothpaste (in $1 increments, they no longer accept toothpaste and ask for $1 per kit to purchase in bulk).
There will be a sign up sheet starting on Game Night and we will collect items throughout April.
Prayer time
Please pray these prayers:
* Melissa - perseverance and focus in her studies during the last two weeks of her first (accelerated) nursing class.
* Sarah (Michelle's friend) - wisdom for all concerned (Drs, nurses, family, patient, etc) in healing Sarah's mother not only of the blood clot in her arm, but of her digestive problems as well. Pray that Sarah can hold it together and be strong through this difficult time of uncertainty.
* Donald (Shannon's Dad) - wisdom and understanding and faith as he makes the decision about whether or not to undergo bypass surgery.
* Ellen - that she will have a rewarding visit with her sister who is visiting
* Steven (Rebecca's sister's fiancee) - guidance for his son who has run away (again) and for hope and knowledge of the son's well being for Steven and his family.
* Heidi (Rebecca's acquaintance) - healing and strength to attend to her medical needs after finding cancer during a hysterectomy.
* David's aunt - health, comfort, peace and joy and that she will continue to be an awesome lady.
* Raymond (Kelli's friend) - comfort and peace after losing his grandfather who raised him
Praise God for:
* Tati (Shannon's aunt) - who has finally received hearing aids after almost 2 years of trying.
* Steve (Shanon's brother) - whose job hours have changed from shift work (nights) to consistent 4 days per week.
* Ellen whose sister is visiting
* Melissa - perseverance and focus in her studies during the last two weeks of her first (accelerated) nursing class.
* Sarah (Michelle's friend) - wisdom for all concerned (Drs, nurses, family, patient, etc) in healing Sarah's mother not only of the blood clot in her arm, but of her digestive problems as well. Pray that Sarah can hold it together and be strong through this difficult time of uncertainty.
* Donald (Shannon's Dad) - wisdom and understanding and faith as he makes the decision about whether or not to undergo bypass surgery.
* Ellen - that she will have a rewarding visit with her sister who is visiting
* Steven (Rebecca's sister's fiancee) - guidance for his son who has run away (again) and for hope and knowledge of the son's well being for Steven and his family.
* Heidi (Rebecca's acquaintance) - healing and strength to attend to her medical needs after finding cancer during a hysterectomy.
* David's aunt - health, comfort, peace and joy and that she will continue to be an awesome lady.
* Raymond (Kelli's friend) - comfort and peace after losing his grandfather who raised him
Praise God for:
* Tati (Shannon's aunt) - who has finally received hearing aids after almost 2 years of trying.
* Steve (Shanon's brother) - whose job hours have changed from shift work (nights) to consistent 4 days per week.
* Ellen whose sister is visiting
Paul's Advice
It was a great turnout on March 22nd for our Habitat for Humanity build (paint) day. Especially with the short notice. We had 9 people show up and were able to carpool in 2 vans. Rachel brought a (delicious!) lunch for all including the habitat people and some people who had signed up as single participants.
Easter was celebrated with a potluck at Sarah's house following church with another great turn out. Many people were able to attend that we have been missing on Wednesday nights.
We completed Paul's first letter to Timothy this past Wednesday with the facilitation of David. We discussed what our (individual and as a church) role is in helping others (specifically widows and family). How to serve God even when enslaved. And "the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil".
It is important to understand some of how people lived and what was going on at the time that this letter was written and that it is an actual letter from one person to another when discussing how this effects us today.
Alex will be leading the Bridge in April on the subject of Christian meditation.
Please send Alex (or a bLT member) any questions that you may have about meditation or thoughts about what you would like to learn about Christian meditation. He will use these suggestions to tailor our time together over the course of the month.
Easter was celebrated with a potluck at Sarah's house following church with another great turn out. Many people were able to attend that we have been missing on Wednesday nights.
We completed Paul's first letter to Timothy this past Wednesday with the facilitation of David. We discussed what our (individual and as a church) role is in helping others (specifically widows and family). How to serve God even when enslaved. And "the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil".
It is important to understand some of how people lived and what was going on at the time that this letter was written and that it is an actual letter from one person to another when discussing how this effects us today.
Alex will be leading the Bridge in April on the subject of Christian meditation.
Please send Alex (or a bLT member) any questions that you may have about meditation or thoughts about what you would like to learn about Christian meditation. He will use these suggestions to tailor our time together over the course of the month.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Overseers and Deacons
1 Timothy chapter 3 dealt with qualifications for people running the church. High ideals are expected of these people.
They should: be self controlled, be hospitable, be able to teach, not be violent but gentle, not be quarrelsome, not be a lover of money, not be a recent convert, have a good reputation with outsiders, not be overbearing, not be quick-tempered, love what is good, be upright and holy, be disciplined, be above reproach, have only one spouse, be temperate, be respectable, not be given to drunkenness, manage ones family well, see that ones children obey him, not pursue dishonest gain, keep hold of the deep truths, and be sincere.
We had a long discussion about these ideals and how things differ between the time Paul wrote this letter to Timothy and now. We aslo discussed whether or not women were allowed to be deacons.
Chapter 4 reiterated several points that we had discussed in chapter 1 and gives Timothy more ideas of how to run the church.
Because of our long discussion we were unable to get to chapter 5. Next week will cover chapters 5-6.
They should: be self controlled, be hospitable, be able to teach, not be violent but gentle, not be quarrelsome, not be a lover of money, not be a recent convert, have a good reputation with outsiders, not be overbearing, not be quick-tempered, love what is good, be upright and holy, be disciplined, be above reproach, have only one spouse, be temperate, be respectable, not be given to drunkenness, manage ones family well, see that ones children obey him, not pursue dishonest gain, keep hold of the deep truths, and be sincere.
We had a long discussion about these ideals and how things differ between the time Paul wrote this letter to Timothy and now. We aslo discussed whether or not women were allowed to be deacons.
Chapter 4 reiterated several points that we had discussed in chapter 1 and gives Timothy more ideas of how to run the church.
Because of our long discussion we were unable to get to chapter 5. Next week will cover chapters 5-6.
Please pray these prayers:
Please pray these prayers:
Eunice and Luis - Pray for strength and acceptance for our missionaries in Guatamala whose son passed away suddenly at the age of 21.
Nicole and family (Rebecca's sister) - Pray for guidance and strength.
August - (Rebecca's friend) Pray for strength and healing of her breast cancer and that she will be well for her wedding in October.
Brad - Pray for healing and strength him and his family in dealing with his mother's stroke.
Sarah - Pray for her to do well on her work presentation tomorrow (3-20)
Don (Shannon's Dad) - Pray for the doctors expertise and knowledge in diagnosing and calibrating his CPAP following his sleep study to help him sleep safely so that his sleep apnea will not aggravate his other health problems.
David - Pray for sanity and rest in his busy schedule.
Chris - Pray that her mammogram on March 31 will come out clean.
Chris - Pray for confidence in her new duties at work.
Our bridge members who are unable to come on Wednesday nights and are missing us - Please pray that they are able to participate in and enjoy opportunities with the bridge on other days.
David - LOVES his new internship.
Eunice and Luis - Pray for strength and acceptance for our missionaries in Guatamala whose son passed away suddenly at the age of 21.
Nicole and family (Rebecca's sister) - Pray for guidance and strength.
August - (Rebecca's friend) Pray for strength and healing of her breast cancer and that she will be well for her wedding in October.
Brad - Pray for healing and strength him and his family in dealing with his mother's stroke.
Sarah - Pray for her to do well on her work presentation tomorrow (3-20)
Don (Shannon's Dad) - Pray for the doctors expertise and knowledge in diagnosing and calibrating his CPAP following his sleep study to help him sleep safely so that his sleep apnea will not aggravate his other health problems.
David - Pray for sanity and rest in his busy schedule.
Chris - Pray that her mammogram on March 31 will come out clean.
Chris - Pray for confidence in her new duties at work.
Our bridge members who are unable to come on Wednesday nights and are missing us - Please pray that they are able to participate in and enjoy opportunities with the bridge on other days.
David - LOVES his new internship.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
1 Timothy 1-2
Background information. 1 Timothy was written by the apostle, Paul shortly after his release from prison in Rome (circa A.D. 65). This letter gives advice on how to better lead the chrch at Ephesus to deal with "false teachers" who threatened to undermine Paul's work.
We looked at information in Acts to try and understand what kind of man Paul had been previously and why God wanted him as a representative of His church.
If you missed last Wednesday, you may want to read 1 TImothy chapters 1-2. If you want to read ahead, we will cover chapters 3-5 this coming Wednesday and chapter 6 on the last Wednesday of the month.
Thank you, David, for facilitating this study.
We looked at information in Acts to try and understand what kind of man Paul had been previously and why God wanted him as a representative of His church.
If you missed last Wednesday, you may want to read 1 TImothy chapters 1-2. If you want to read ahead, we will cover chapters 3-5 this coming Wednesday and chapter 6 on the last Wednesday of the month.
Thank you, David, for facilitating this study.
Please pray these prayers:
Kelli - pray for good health and for finding a new roommate that is nice and responsible
Anna (Sarah's roommate) - Daisy/Hooper, the bunny, has had a recurrance of the tumor and Anna has made the decision (on the vet's advice) that he will have to be put to sleep when his quality of life begins to suffer (project 1-2 months)
Whitney's brother - Pray that things will work in his best interests in his dealings with his Navy unit.
Alex's family
Whitney - pray that her new supervisor will be a good fit for her and her company
Peter (Sarah's friend) - who is leading a mission trip to Russia.
Nicole and family (Rebecca's sister) - Pray for guidance and strength in her marriage to bring them closer together
Alex - networking efforts have paid off to help Upward Bound House
David - has started his internship and it is "awesome" (he thanks everyone for their prayers)
Kelli - has passed her 6 month review with flying colors
Anna (Sarah's roommate) - Daisy/Hooper, the bunny, has had a recurrance of the tumor and Anna has made the decision (on the vet's advice) that he will have to be put to sleep when his quality of life begins to suffer (project 1-2 months)
Whitney's brother - Pray that things will work in his best interests in his dealings with his Navy unit.
Alex's family
Whitney - pray that her new supervisor will be a good fit for her and her company
Peter (Sarah's friend) - who is leading a mission trip to Russia.
Nicole and family (Rebecca's sister) - Pray for guidance and strength in her marriage to bring them closer together
Alex - networking efforts have paid off to help Upward Bound House
David - has started his internship and it is "awesome" (he thanks everyone for their prayers)
Kelli - has passed her 6 month review with flying colors
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Roadrunner on horseback vs. a mummy with a rubber chicken...
If the subject line didn't make you smile, you must have missed last weeks Game Night with the bridge! We had a great time and welcomed 2 new people into our group. Remember, the first Wednesday of every month is Game Night.
Thanks Paul for the wonderful discussion on vocation and calling during the month of February. You gave us a lot to think about.
We look forward to a Bible study facilitated by David this month.
Keep your calendars clear for May 3-4. Big Sunday! All over town, all weekend long.
More info to come regarding our Spring Retreat in May.
Things are kind of quiet on the calendar this month. The bridge Leadership Team will be meeting Monday, March 10 to make decisions for the next few months. If you have any questions, suggestions or comments please let a bLT member know, reply to this e-mail, or leave a note in the box in the bridge room 'where Jesus used to be'.
We are specifically looking at service during this meeting and would love any suggestions that you may have regarding service projects that you would like to do with the bridge.
Please pray these prayers:
* Pray for peace for David in his roommate situation
* Pray for Simon and his family after the passing of Simon's step-mother
* Pray for Cristina who will have a medical screening on the 30th of this month. Pray for her to not worry during this period of waiting, that if something is found it will be cured quickly, but mostly that everything will turn out to be fine and no further procedures will be needed
* Pray for Grace and Trent for happiness and stability in their lives
* Sarah gives praise for the fabulous wedding in Seattle
Thanks Paul for the wonderful discussion on vocation and calling during the month of February. You gave us a lot to think about.
We look forward to a Bible study facilitated by David this month.
Keep your calendars clear for May 3-4. Big Sunday! All over town, all weekend long.
More info to come regarding our Spring Retreat in May.
Things are kind of quiet on the calendar this month. The bridge Leadership Team will be meeting Monday, March 10 to make decisions for the next few months. If you have any questions, suggestions or comments please let a bLT member know, reply to this e-mail, or leave a note in the box in the bridge room 'where Jesus used to be'.
We are specifically looking at service during this meeting and would love any suggestions that you may have regarding service projects that you would like to do with the bridge.
Please pray these prayers:
* Pray for peace for David in his roommate situation
* Pray for Simon and his family after the passing of Simon's step-mother
* Pray for Cristina who will have a medical screening on the 30th of this month. Pray for her to not worry during this period of waiting, that if something is found it will be cured quickly, but mostly that everything will turn out to be fine and no further procedures will be needed
* Pray for Grace and Trent for happiness and stability in their lives
* Sarah gives praise for the fabulous wedding in Seattle
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Habitat project
This Sunday afternoon, March 2, at 4:00 pm at First Presbyterian Church (1220 2nd St, Santa Monica) there will be a classical music concert that is a fundraiser for the Habitat project we've been talking about at the bridge over the last few months. The tickets are $25 per person and the program will include Faure's Requiem and Zeisl's Hebrew Requiem
Vocation week 2
I. What is Vocation-
a. Our thoughts, definitions. It is larger than and separate from a career or job. A job can be included in our calling but not necessarily.
b. Classical Christian understandings. Vocation comes from the Latin vocatio which simply means a summons or an invitation. Vocation is simply the call from God.
i. Martin Luther, responding to the high monasticism of the Catholic Church came up with a dual understanding of vocation: the spiritual and the external vocation. The spiritual vocation was what comes to all Christians through the proclamation of the gospel. External vocation is God’s call to serve God and humanity in the world. The external vocation comes to a person through his or her station in life or profession.
ii. The reality that Luther was dealing with was the 16th century. There was no such thing as upward mobility or the middle class. This understanding of vocation did not make room for multiple professions or provide a good understanding of alienation or mindless work. The Lutheran understanding of vocation compartmentalized life into two separate realms: the spiritual and the external.
iii. Volf’s understanding is more holistic and stems from Luther’s understanding yet differs from it significantly. Volf agrees with Luther in that all Christians are called. Where the difference comes is in that Volf believes there is one calling that encompasses all of one’s life. The call is to the gospel and to enter the kingdom of God. Part of how that call is realized is through the living out of our calling, bearing the fruits of the Spirit as given to each individual.
iv. Holistic understanding. Read Psalm 24:1-2. Everything is under the dominion of the Lord. The entire world and all those who live in it. The call of God on our lives is not limited to what we do to “make a living.”
v. Our lives, every aspect of our lives, is the response to the call and becomes the substance of our vocation as we continue in conversation with God. Vocation encompasses all that we are.
II. The Last Things and its impact on the significance on human work and activity. There are two broad understandings of the last things that we must consider. To gain an appreciation for human activity and culture.
a. Apocalyptic. If we believe that all of this will pass away—that God is going to start over, or transport us all to some other place, what value do our actions have?
b. Transformative If we believe that creation will be transformed, that the new creation has its roots in the current creation then work and all human activity takes on a greater, even ultimate significance from a theological perspective. Look at the time between Gen 2 and Gen 3. Here we have the beginnings of culture. Where to eat. Where to sleep. Where to put our garbage. What to do in our leisure time, etc. All of these activities fall under the mandate that God gave to humanity in Gen 1. The human activities and accomplishments along with the way we interact with one another are part of the cultural mandate. Yes some aspects of this are fallen, but through the power of the Cross we can access God in right relationship and carry out our divinely appointed role in a divinely appointed manner. (Rev 21:1-5)
c. Read Romans 8:18-23. This tells us that creation is groaning in anticipation of renewal. Humanity is also groaning in this anticipation. Jesus’ talk about the kingdom of God being at hand and coming to the present earth is also indicative of a transformational understanding. (Luke 17:20-21)The mission of the UMC is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. This also bears witness to a transformational understanding or at the very least about positive contributions to the present world. A resurrected physical body makes sense only in the context of a restored earthly environment to exist in.
III. Charisms Read 1 Cor 12:1-7. Ask how does God do this with us? How does our vocation or our calling from God manifest itself? This is where Palmer comes in handy. His Let your Life Speak is instrumental in this. God has placed the Spirit within us all. Our capacities to be co-creators with God are in us all. The calling is not primarily a call of obedience but a call to be equipped and a conduit of the Holy Spirit. (Exodus 31:1-6, Ephesians 4:4-16).
Next week: Summary of where we are and a look at practical ways to discern our gifts and utilize them.
a. Our thoughts, definitions. It is larger than and separate from a career or job. A job can be included in our calling but not necessarily.
b. Classical Christian understandings. Vocation comes from the Latin vocatio which simply means a summons or an invitation. Vocation is simply the call from God.
i. Martin Luther, responding to the high monasticism of the Catholic Church came up with a dual understanding of vocation: the spiritual and the external vocation. The spiritual vocation was what comes to all Christians through the proclamation of the gospel. External vocation is God’s call to serve God and humanity in the world. The external vocation comes to a person through his or her station in life or profession.
ii. The reality that Luther was dealing with was the 16th century. There was no such thing as upward mobility or the middle class. This understanding of vocation did not make room for multiple professions or provide a good understanding of alienation or mindless work. The Lutheran understanding of vocation compartmentalized life into two separate realms: the spiritual and the external.
iii. Volf’s understanding is more holistic and stems from Luther’s understanding yet differs from it significantly. Volf agrees with Luther in that all Christians are called. Where the difference comes is in that Volf believes there is one calling that encompasses all of one’s life. The call is to the gospel and to enter the kingdom of God. Part of how that call is realized is through the living out of our calling, bearing the fruits of the Spirit as given to each individual.
iv. Holistic understanding. Read Psalm 24:1-2. Everything is under the dominion of the Lord. The entire world and all those who live in it. The call of God on our lives is not limited to what we do to “make a living.”
v. Our lives, every aspect of our lives, is the response to the call and becomes the substance of our vocation as we continue in conversation with God. Vocation encompasses all that we are.
II. The Last Things and its impact on the significance on human work and activity. There are two broad understandings of the last things that we must consider. To gain an appreciation for human activity and culture.
a. Apocalyptic. If we believe that all of this will pass away—that God is going to start over, or transport us all to some other place, what value do our actions have?
b. Transformative If we believe that creation will be transformed, that the new creation has its roots in the current creation then work and all human activity takes on a greater, even ultimate significance from a theological perspective. Look at the time between Gen 2 and Gen 3. Here we have the beginnings of culture. Where to eat. Where to sleep. Where to put our garbage. What to do in our leisure time, etc. All of these activities fall under the mandate that God gave to humanity in Gen 1. The human activities and accomplishments along with the way we interact with one another are part of the cultural mandate. Yes some aspects of this are fallen, but through the power of the Cross we can access God in right relationship and carry out our divinely appointed role in a divinely appointed manner. (Rev 21:1-5)
c. Read Romans 8:18-23. This tells us that creation is groaning in anticipation of renewal. Humanity is also groaning in this anticipation. Jesus’ talk about the kingdom of God being at hand and coming to the present earth is also indicative of a transformational understanding. (Luke 17:20-21)The mission of the UMC is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. This also bears witness to a transformational understanding or at the very least about positive contributions to the present world. A resurrected physical body makes sense only in the context of a restored earthly environment to exist in.
III. Charisms Read 1 Cor 12:1-7. Ask how does God do this with us? How does our vocation or our calling from God manifest itself? This is where Palmer comes in handy. His Let your Life Speak is instrumental in this. God has placed the Spirit within us all. Our capacities to be co-creators with God are in us all. The calling is not primarily a call of obedience but a call to be equipped and a conduit of the Holy Spirit. (Exodus 31:1-6, Ephesians 4:4-16).
Next week: Summary of where we are and a look at practical ways to discern our gifts and utilize them.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Please pray these prayers
The Wednesday night post is a little long so I decided to post the prayers/praises separately.
Please pray for Michelle that she will be able to remediate her anemia with diet and not need drugs.
Pray for the three girls who are missing (Amber Alert).
Pray for David to "stay cool and be proactive" in his quest for an internship.
Pray for Rebecca in her talks with her boss about staying with the company. Pray that it will work out in the right way.
Michelle gives praise that she is again in talks with her boss about returning to a salaried employee.
Shannon gives praise that her brother, Steve, has healed and is "feeling better than he did before he got so sick!"
Sarah gives praise that Daisy (Hooper) is doing well after his surgery.
Praise that Jennifer was able to join us and hope that she will continue to be able to come as her busy schedule permits.
Please pray for Michelle that she will be able to remediate her anemia with diet and not need drugs.
Pray for the three girls who are missing (Amber Alert).
Pray for David to "stay cool and be proactive" in his quest for an internship.
Pray for Rebecca in her talks with her boss about staying with the company. Pray that it will work out in the right way.
Michelle gives praise that she is again in talks with her boss about returning to a salaried employee.
Shannon gives praise that her brother, Steve, has healed and is "feeling better than he did before he got so sick!"
Sarah gives praise that Daisy (Hooper) is doing well after his surgery.
Praise that Jennifer was able to join us and hope that she will continue to be able to come as her busy schedule permits.
Vocation, work, and calling.
Week1: Background information
1. There is not much in the scriptures directly related to work, vocation, or career. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12, Ecclesiastes 3:9-13. These verses offer incomplete understandings at best.
2. Because there is not a great deal directly related to this topic in the scriptures we need to utilize theological reflection. We can do this in two ways: Look at what others have said on the topic or engage our theological references and sources to come up with something that works for us. The theological references that are helpful are: scripture, family, ministers, tradition, pop culture, experience. In Methodism the “big four” are: scripture, reason, tradition, experience.
3. I tend to also look at other people’s theological reflection through reading. Some helpful references with regard to this topic (vocation, work and career) are:
a. Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton
b. Let Your Life Speak by Parker J. Palmer
c. Work in the Spirit: Toward a Theology of Work by Miroslav Volf
d. How to Think Theologically by Howard Stone and James Duke
e. The Other Six Days by R. Paul Stevens
4. Look at Genesis 1:26-31. The cultural mandate, creating (working) puts us in the image of God. Creativity can be seen as solving problems in a new way. It provides fulfillment and generates synergy.
5. As we think about our own theology there are three broad categories that may be helpful. Before we can really talk about what it means to be a Christian at work or to have a Christian vocation we need to come to terms with what it means to be a Christian. There are three major understandings of Christian identity: doctrinist, pietist, and activist.
a. Doctrinist – is heavy into doctrine, what are the essential ideas we have to have? What do I have to know? There are certain doctrines that hold Christianity together. An example is the Nicean Creed. Presbyterians and fundamentalists are traditionally in this group. Lutherans also fall into this category. Readers tend to like Pauline writings over other scriptures. (2 Tim 3:16). Scripture is seen as somewhat of a rulebook.
b. Pietist – focused more on relationship. They are focused on the relationship that we have with Jesus. Being. Like the gospel of John and the Psalms. Love the mystery of the scriptures. It’s warm and fuzzy. Baptists tend to be in this camp as well as many traditional evangelicals. Traditions associated with the holiness movement (i.e. Pentecostals) tend to be in this camp. Tend to see scripture as a devotional book or a love letter. (John 15:1-5)
c. Activists – concerned with doing the right things. Influenced heavily by the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5 – 7) and the missionary activities of Jesus. Many liberation theologians fall into this camp (James Cone, Gustavo Gutierrez). Proponents of the social gospel are in here. Methodists tend to be in this camp although there is a strong history of pietism in our history as well. Scripture is seen as a manifesto for social action. Methodist gravitate in pietist and activist understandings.
6. The reason that we spent time looking at this is that in my research the authors that I have looked at have a decidedly pietist bias. Parker J. Palmer is a Quaker, R. Paul Stevens is an evangelical (taught at Regent), and Miroslav Volf is a Pentecostal (taught at Fuller Seminary and currently at Yale Divinity School).
7. With that said the focus of this series will revolve around Volf’s work. Primarily because he addresses the topic from a more holistic perspective. Of the sources I have looked at Volf deals with the questions people have in the most direct manner.
8. With some background information we now move to the central question of “What is Vocation?” Some feel that vocation is deeper and distinct (although not necessarily so) from merely a job. Others expressed that vocation can include a job but does not have to.
Next week We will look at what Christian thought has traditionally said about vocation and what that means for us today.
1. There is not much in the scriptures directly related to work, vocation, or career. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12, Ecclesiastes 3:9-13. These verses offer incomplete understandings at best.
2. Because there is not a great deal directly related to this topic in the scriptures we need to utilize theological reflection. We can do this in two ways: Look at what others have said on the topic or engage our theological references and sources to come up with something that works for us. The theological references that are helpful are: scripture, family, ministers, tradition, pop culture, experience. In Methodism the “big four” are: scripture, reason, tradition, experience.
3. I tend to also look at other people’s theological reflection through reading. Some helpful references with regard to this topic (vocation, work and career) are:
a. Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton
b. Let Your Life Speak by Parker J. Palmer
c. Work in the Spirit: Toward a Theology of Work by Miroslav Volf
d. How to Think Theologically by Howard Stone and James Duke
e. The Other Six Days by R. Paul Stevens
4. Look at Genesis 1:26-31. The cultural mandate, creating (working) puts us in the image of God. Creativity can be seen as solving problems in a new way. It provides fulfillment and generates synergy.
5. As we think about our own theology there are three broad categories that may be helpful. Before we can really talk about what it means to be a Christian at work or to have a Christian vocation we need to come to terms with what it means to be a Christian. There are three major understandings of Christian identity: doctrinist, pietist, and activist.
a. Doctrinist – is heavy into doctrine, what are the essential ideas we have to have? What do I have to know? There are certain doctrines that hold Christianity together. An example is the Nicean Creed. Presbyterians and fundamentalists are traditionally in this group. Lutherans also fall into this category. Readers tend to like Pauline writings over other scriptures. (2 Tim 3:16). Scripture is seen as somewhat of a rulebook.
b. Pietist – focused more on relationship. They are focused on the relationship that we have with Jesus. Being. Like the gospel of John and the Psalms. Love the mystery of the scriptures. It’s warm and fuzzy. Baptists tend to be in this camp as well as many traditional evangelicals. Traditions associated with the holiness movement (i.e. Pentecostals) tend to be in this camp. Tend to see scripture as a devotional book or a love letter. (John 15:1-5)
c. Activists – concerned with doing the right things. Influenced heavily by the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5 – 7) and the missionary activities of Jesus. Many liberation theologians fall into this camp (James Cone, Gustavo Gutierrez). Proponents of the social gospel are in here. Methodists tend to be in this camp although there is a strong history of pietism in our history as well. Scripture is seen as a manifesto for social action. Methodist gravitate in pietist and activist understandings.
6. The reason that we spent time looking at this is that in my research the authors that I have looked at have a decidedly pietist bias. Parker J. Palmer is a Quaker, R. Paul Stevens is an evangelical (taught at Regent), and Miroslav Volf is a Pentecostal (taught at Fuller Seminary and currently at Yale Divinity School).
7. With that said the focus of this series will revolve around Volf’s work. Primarily because he addresses the topic from a more holistic perspective. Of the sources I have looked at Volf deals with the questions people have in the most direct manner.
8. With some background information we now move to the central question of “What is Vocation?” Some feel that vocation is deeper and distinct (although not necessarily so) from merely a job. Others expressed that vocation can include a job but does not have to.
Next week We will look at what Christian thought has traditionally said about vocation and what that means for us today.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Esther is triumphant
We finished the book of Esther on January 30th and discussed the Jewish holiday of Purim which came about as a result of the happenings in the book of Esther.
The first week of February fell on Ash Wednesday. (Sarah hosted a Fat Tuesday pancake supper to ring in Lent). Instead of our traditional game night, the bridge attended Ash Wednesday services that evening.
Next week we look forward to Paul facilitating disscusion on vocation and calling. Hope to see you all there!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The end of Haman (but what of the Jews?)
Third installment of Esther (chapters 6-7)
We left off last week with Haman (shake, shake, shake) building a gallows for Mordecai and planning to ask the king to hang him in the morning before they went together to dine with Queen Esther.
Meanwhile, the king had trouble sleeping and was reading through the record of chronicles. He noticed that a man named Mordecai had saved his life by telling of a plot to assassinate him. He asked what had been done for Mordecai to thank him. Learning that nothing had been done, he asked his servants who was around. Haman happened to be coming early (to try and get Mordecai hanged) and went to the king.
When the king asked what should be done for someone whom the king wished to honor, Haman (thinking that the king was to honor himself) gave grand plans. The king then informed Haman that he wished to honor Mordecai and that Haman should see to it that all he spoke of (thinking it was to be for him) should be done for Mordecai.
That night at the banquet, Queen Esther finally tells the king her problem. That she and all her people are to be killed and accuses Haman of masterminding the plot. Haman is sentenced to hang on the gallows that he had erected for Mordecai.
And now we have an end of Haman, but his plot to kill the Jews goes forward for a law sealed by the king's ring cannot be repealed.
Come Wednesday for the exciting conclusion. Remember to dress as a character from Esther (or in other costume).
Please pray these prayers:
+ Michelle's cut finger will heal quickly and cleanly
+ Sarah's test results (due in one week) show that she passed all areas
+ Kelli's dad will get into treatment at Loma Linda and treatment will shrink his prostate cancer till it is gone
+ Rachel will get into a good place physically and mentally to start trying again for a baby
+ Michelle's friend, Sara, will not have any complications due to gestational diabetes
+ Ashok will pass his architectural exam Wednesday 9am
+ Ellen and Alex will find the right place and make good decisions as the buy their first home
+ David offers praise that his voice over gig went well. Pray that he is able to get an internship with Clear Channel
+ Alex praises the opportunities that have come after getting his degree. He can't wait to 'see where the lord takes us'
Paraphrase of Psalm 57 by Leslie F. Brandt
Encompass me with Your love and mercy, gracious Lord; I have no security except in You. I am perpetually exposed to the destructive forces of this existence. I am in constant danger of losing the battle to the very passions and desires of my own nature. I can only submit myself to You and believe that You will fulfill Your purposes in me. Your love, O God, is steadfast; Your grace is everlasting. Even when I am beaten down by depression and ensnared by me weaknesses and frailties and my own lust threatens to devour me, You are my God, and You will not let me go. I am determined to serve You, O Lord. May my life be a continual thank-offering to You, I shall sing Your praises forever.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Hamantaschen and hangings...
Wednesday, January 16th we had our third installment of Esther (Chapters 4-5).
We started the evening with, long awaited, singing (thanks David and Michelle) and welcomed some new members (Hi Doug and Melissa). Jewish tradition surrounding the Book of Esther (Megilla) dictates that people should: Read the Megillah out loud, Be festive and rejoicing, Give Gifts of fruits and nuts, and Offer gifts to the poor. So we had snacks of fruit and nuts and Hamantaschen (butter cookies with Apricot preserves).
Hamantaschen are three cornered as Haman's hat. Then Michelle read aloud the next chapters. Of course, we continued to blot out the name of Haman with our noisemakers!
We had some discussion about the 'historicalness' of Esther and talked about what is happening with our main characters. Haman has already ordered (in the king's name) the destruction of the Jews and appears to continue to gain favor with the king who appears to let others take the lead. When Esther risks her life by approaching the king without an invitation, the king spares her and offers to give her whatever she wants up to half his kingdom without even waiting to hear what her petition was. Despite the king's repeated offers, Esther does not ask immediately, but asks the king and Haman to return the next day to find out.
We started the evening with, long awaited, singing (thanks David and Michelle) and welcomed some new members (Hi Doug and Melissa). Jewish tradition surrounding the Book of Esther (Megilla) dictates that people should: Read the Megillah out loud, Be festive and rejoicing, Give Gifts of fruits and nuts, and Offer gifts to the poor. So we had snacks of fruit and nuts and Hamantaschen (butter cookies with Apricot preserves).

We had some discussion about the 'historicalness' of Esther and talked about what is happening with our main characters. Haman has already ordered (in the king's name) the destruction of the Jews and appears to continue to gain favor with the king who appears to let others take the lead. When Esther risks her life by approaching the king without an invitation, the king spares her and offers to give her whatever she wants up to half his kingdom without even waiting to hear what her petition was. Despite the king's repeated offers, Esther does not ask immediately, but asks the king and Haman to return the next day to find out.

Later... Haman's wife urges him (and he agrees) to build a gallows to hang Mordecai in the morning, then he can "go merrily with the king to dinner" with Esther.
Why did Esther wait to tell the King her petition?
Is it too late for Mordecai?
Can Esther's plan work without Mordecai?
Will Esther be killed as well when her heritage is discovered?
Tune in next Wednesday, same bat time (7pm) same bat channel (UMC room 308)!
To offer gifts to the poor, everyone present offered to bring items to make sack lunches for Harvest Home (a home for homeless, pregnant women).
Why did Esther wait to tell the King her petition?
Is it too late for Mordecai?
Can Esther's plan work without Mordecai?
Will Esther be killed as well when her heritage is discovered?
Tune in next Wednesday, same bat time (7pm) same bat channel (UMC room 308)!

Remember to dress as a character from Esther on January 30th!
As the new year progresses, there is a lot of business. Please peruse the calendar and read your e-mail. Look below for details (or click on the item on the calendar).
Please pray these prayers:
* Ashok asks for guidance for his mother and brother in making decisions regarding his father's illness
* Alex asks for prayers for his friend, Mike, who has suddenly gone blind in one eye (accomodate to different vision and protect other eye)
* Doug and Melissa ask for alleviation of pain for his Aunt Kay who suffers from fibromyalgia* Chris prays for understanding and discernment regarding her Uncle Kas who is unable to live alone following his wife's passing and is going to a retirement home against his will
* Alex asks for the lord to take the opportunity to come into his brother's life and have a ransforming experience on his brother, Zack, who recently lost his job
* Pray for Chelsea and Jim Kirtley, Char Smith, Sam and Emily Payne and their parents Dennis and Sue for the loss of Dee Payne (Char and Dennis's mother, and Chelsea, Sam and Emily's grandmother) who died over the weekend* Chris asks for patience and guidance in her relationship with her mother-in-law
* We pray that Sarah has passed all parts of her test (but especially the seismic portion) as she awaits the results in two weeks
* David asks for prayers that everything goes well with his job
We thank God for his many blessings, including:
* Gordon (Chris' husband) is out of the hospital
* Steve (Shannon's brother) is out of the hospital and recovering well
* Ashok is doing well after a hard last year
* David has a voice over gig
* Emily's friends from high school, Melissa/Brent are engaged. This is a big step for them as neither one has had good matrimonial models in their families
As the new year progresses, there is a lot of business. Please peruse the calendar and read your e-mail. Look below for details (or click on the item on the calendar).
Please pray these prayers:
* Ashok asks for guidance for his mother and brother in making decisions regarding his father's illness
* Alex asks for prayers for his friend, Mike, who has suddenly gone blind in one eye (accomodate to different vision and protect other eye)
* Doug and Melissa ask for alleviation of pain for his Aunt Kay who suffers from fibromyalgia* Chris prays for understanding and discernment regarding her Uncle Kas who is unable to live alone following his wife's passing and is going to a retirement home against his will
* Alex asks for the lord to take the opportunity to come into his brother's life and have a ransforming experience on his brother, Zack, who recently lost his job
* Pray for Chelsea and Jim Kirtley, Char Smith, Sam and Emily Payne and their parents Dennis and Sue for the loss of Dee Payne (Char and Dennis's mother, and Chelsea, Sam and Emily's grandmother) who died over the weekend* Chris asks for patience and guidance in her relationship with her mother-in-law
* We pray that Sarah has passed all parts of her test (but especially the seismic portion) as she awaits the results in two weeks
* David asks for prayers that everything goes well with his job

* Gordon (Chris' husband) is out of the hospital
* Steve (Shannon's brother) is out of the hospital and recovering well
* Ashok is doing well after a hard last year
* David has a voice over gig
* Emily's friends from high school, Melissa/Brent are engaged. This is a big step for them as neither one has had good matrimonial models in their families
Thursday, January 17, 2008
*What Hymns Would You Like To See In A New United Methodist Hymnal?*
This coming April the General Conference of the UMC will consider the recommendation for a new hymnal. This is the first of several research questions from the General Board of Discipleship. We want to know which hymns or songs you would like to see included. This survey will allow you to suggest titles to be considered for inclusion:
. Up to five titles from the current *United Methodist Hymnal.*
. Up to five titles from *The Faith We Sing.*
. Up to five titles not in either collection.
*You may only complete the survey one time, so do not click the link below until you are ready to suggest titles*. Once you have accessed the survey, you will not be allowed to return to it a second time, even if you did not complete it the first time or if you later wish to change your responses. *Final date to complete this survey is January 31, 2008*.
When ready to complete the survey, here's the link: http://www.gbod.org/worship/default.asp?act=reader&item_id=45894
. Up to five titles from the current *United Methodist Hymnal.*
. Up to five titles from *The Faith We Sing.*
. Up to five titles not in either collection.
*You may only complete the survey one time, so do not click the link below until you are ready to suggest titles*. Once you have accessed the survey, you will not be allowed to return to it a second time, even if you did not complete it the first time or if you later wish to change your responses. *Final date to complete this survey is January 31, 2008*.
When ready to complete the survey, here's the link: http://www.gbod.org/worship/default.asp?act=reader&item_id=45894
Vocation, calling and work
Let Paul know directly what you would like to discuss in February! Here is his question...
What are the questions or concerns that you have regarding your faith and your job or career? I came up with the idea for this series based on the comments that people made during Ellen's Micah 6:8 study. These comments revolved around jobs and where God fit into those jobs. I believe that there were also questions revolving around calling as well. Because there are a few ways that I can go with a study on calling, vocation, and work I want to try and focus the series to best address what people are concerned about or have questions about.
Paul Deveaux, Parish Associate
What are the questions or concerns that you have regarding your faith and your job or career? I came up with the idea for this series based on the comments that people made during Ellen's Micah 6:8 study. These comments revolved around jobs and where God fit into those jobs. I believe that there were also questions revolving around calling as well. Because there are a few ways that I can go with a study on calling, vocation, and work I want to try and focus the series to best address what people are concerned about or have questions about.
Paul Deveaux, Parish Associate
Super-Sub Combos
M eals for Super Bowl Sunday are being sold Sunday, January 20 and Sunday, January 27 (last day to order). The combos are $12 which include a sandwich with your choice of fillings (meat or vegetarian) and several side items and a drink. All proceeds are for our Youth Program. Be sure to visit the UMYF table during coffee hour to place your order on Sunday!
WHEN: Thursday, February 21, 2008
SHIFT: 10am to 4pm
WHERE: The Daily Grill
2501 Colorado Ave.
Santa Monica, CA
WHAT: The Muscular Dystrophy Association is hosting a fun event to raise money to help out people with Muscular Dystrophy. We have recruited prominent business people in the Santa Monica area to agree to be mock ‘arrested’ for one hour of their day. We will be picking them up at their place of business, putting them in handcuffs, and bringing them to the Pacific Dining Car where they will raise their $1600 ‘bail money’ for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. We will feed them and give incentives and prizes to those who raise their bail. As a volunteer, you would do one of the following:
· DRIVERS (7) – Drive to the offices of the ‘Jailbirds’, pick them up, and transport them to the restaurant. NOTE: A valid California Driver’s License and proof of insurance is necessary for this role.
· Arresting Officers (7 needed) – Ride with the driver and actually physically ‘arrest’ our ‘jailbirds’. Enthusiastic, outgoing people are needed to make a big deal out of the fact that the business owner has a big heart
· Photographer (1 needed)- Capture the friendly felons while they network and dine. We will provide the camera.
· Greeters (2)—Lead the felons through the jail to take their mugshots, meet the judge and more!
· Judge (1)—Announce the bailraisers as they enter.
CONTACT INFO: If interested, please contact Suzanne Gutterman, Program Coordinator, at the Muscular Dystrophy Association at 310-450-9032 or sgutterman@mdausa.org.
WHEN: Thursday, February 21, 2008
SHIFT: 10am to 4pm
WHERE: The Daily Grill
2501 Colorado Ave.
Santa Monica, CA
WHAT: The Muscular Dystrophy Association is hosting a fun event to raise money to help out people with Muscular Dystrophy. We have recruited prominent business people in the Santa Monica area to agree to be mock ‘arrested’ for one hour of their day. We will be picking them up at their place of business, putting them in handcuffs, and bringing them to the Pacific Dining Car where they will raise their $1600 ‘bail money’ for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. We will feed them and give incentives and prizes to those who raise their bail. As a volunteer, you would do one of the following:
· DRIVERS (7) – Drive to the offices of the ‘Jailbirds’, pick them up, and transport them to the restaurant. NOTE: A valid California Driver’s License and proof of insurance is necessary for this role.
· Arresting Officers (7 needed) – Ride with the driver and actually physically ‘arrest’ our ‘jailbirds’. Enthusiastic, outgoing people are needed to make a big deal out of the fact that the business owner has a big heart
· Photographer (1 needed)- Capture the friendly felons while they network and dine. We will provide the camera.
· Greeters (2)—Lead the felons through the jail to take their mugshots, meet the judge and more!
· Judge (1)—Announce the bailraisers as they enter.
CONTACT INFO: If interested, please contact Suzanne Gutterman, Program Coordinator, at the Muscular Dystrophy Association at 310-450-9032 or sgutterman@mdausa.org.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Learning, helping and having fun!
The bLT met last Saturday to discuss the next few months of the bridge. Please remember the box in the bridge room for suggestions, comments, concerns, etc. We planned for Bible studies and topic discussions for the near future (learning). We discussed community service projects to do as a group (helping) and delegated "non-wednesday night" fellowship (fun). Beginning planning was begun for our Spring Retreat!
Megilla and graggers
January 2nd was our monthly game night!
January 9th began our study of Esther. We started by making graggers (A Purim gragger, also called "ra'ashan" (noisemaker), used when Haman's name is mentioned during the reading of the Megilla, as tradition dictates, to blot out the name of evil). While Michelle read the Book of Esther - the Megillah ("scroll") we dutifully used our noisemakers every time the name of Haman was mentioned. If you are wondering why, read the first three chapters of Esther.
We will continue with Esther next week as we enjoy "Hamantaschen" (come and find out what these are) and continue to shake our graggers!
Please pray these prayers:
* continued prayers for Chris and her husband Gordon who is in and out of the hospital with pneumonia
* Chris' family Margie, Ruth & Ernie Ono who are coping with a death and illnesses in the family
* Anna's rabbit (Sarah's roommate) that has a lump in its paw
* continued prayers for Alex's brother, wife and nephew
* Alex's grandmother who is suffering from alzheimer's disease and is on hospice and his aunt who is taking care of the grandmother and is experiencing stress and high blood pressure
* wisdom and discernment for Alex as he continues his search for a job
* safe travels for Rebecca's father
* Michelle now has more hours at her job
* David has a voiceover job
* Rebecca's father is coming to visit
* Shannon's brother, Steve, is out of the hospital and has stopped hiccuping!
January 9th began our study of Esther. We started by making graggers (A Purim gragger, also called "ra'ashan" (noisemaker), used when Haman's name is mentioned during the reading of the Megilla, as tradition dictates, to blot out the name of evil). While Michelle read the Book of Esther - the Megillah ("scroll") we dutifully used our noisemakers every time the name of Haman was mentioned. If you are wondering why, read the first three chapters of Esther.
We will continue with Esther next week as we enjoy "Hamantaschen" (come and find out what these are) and continue to shake our graggers!
Please pray these prayers:
* continued prayers for Chris and her husband Gordon who is in and out of the hospital with pneumonia
* Chris' family Margie, Ruth & Ernie Ono who are coping with a death and illnesses in the family
* Anna's rabbit (Sarah's roommate) that has a lump in its paw
* continued prayers for Alex's brother, wife and nephew
* Alex's grandmother who is suffering from alzheimer's disease and is on hospice and his aunt who is taking care of the grandmother and is experiencing stress and high blood pressure
* wisdom and discernment for Alex as he continues his search for a job
* safe travels for Rebecca's father
* Michelle now has more hours at her job
* David has a voiceover job
* Rebecca's father is coming to visit
* Shannon's brother, Steve, is out of the hospital and has stopped hiccuping!
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