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Friday, July 27, 2007

Update - July 27

A huge thank you to Rebecca for leading us in an enlightening Bible Study on Light vs. Darkness! Below are the notes from Parts 2 and 3.

Light vs. Darkness: Part 2
"...and God said 'Let there be light'..." -Gen 1:3

Week 2: Light vs. Darkness in us
-What characteristics on both sides are in us?
-What can we do to nourish and nurture our light?
-Letting go of the darkness in our past.

*As we learned last week, without the darkness qualities in the world, we would not be able to see the light and vice versa*

Luke 18:9-14
What is the message in this text about the dark and light qualities?

Exercise 1:
A. On one piece of paper write 3 traits/qualities about that person that are good and may represent the "light" in them.
B. On the same paper write 3 traits/qualities you least admire or can't stand in other people.
C. On the second piece of paper write one thing that you have asked for forgiveness for but still haven't forgiven yourself for.

Luke 6:39-42
Are we more judgmental of others or ourselves?

1 John 1:5-10
What does this say about how we are to step into the light and admitting our darkness?
(What about looking about it from truth vs. lives and deceiving?)

Exercise 2:
A. Owning the dark qualities
B. Embracing the light qualities

*Psalm 32:1-5
How does this relate to owning both sides of our qualities?

John 3:16-21
Is your spiritual growth more gradual or can you pinpoint one event that brought you into the light?
Can those around you see the transformation in your life so that they wonder what has changed and want to imitate it or know more?
What does verse 21 mean in terms of this past exercise and owning both types of qualities?

Mark 11:25
"Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses."

Matthew 18:21-22
Do we hold this true for ourselves?
How does holding onto your past wounds or times when we work from our dark qualities keep you from realizing God's true potential for you?
Forgiving Yourself - The Divine Example
Forgiving yourself is not specifically addressed in the Bible, but there are principles regarding forgiveness that should be applied. For example, when God forgives us, it states that He remembers our sins no more (Jeremiah 31:34). This does not mean that our all-knowing Father God forgets, but rather, because He forgives us, He chooses not to bring up our sin in a negative way. Peter said, "In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality" (Acts 10:34). Applying "no partiality" to the issues of forgiveness, God does not choose to forgive one person and not another. He forgives everyone who believes in Jesus Christ. Applying His "no partiality" standards to ourselves, it is just as important to forgive ourselves as it is to forgive others. Forgiving yourself is not about forgetting. It is about not bringing the offense up to yourself in negative ways. Forgiving yourself is simply letting go of what you are holding against yourself so that you can move on with God. If God has moved on, shouldn't we do the same? Philippians 4:9 states that we are to put into practice those things that we have learned from God and from His Word. To continue to rehearse in our thoughts the events of our transgression, opposes Philippians 4:8 which tells us to dwell on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable.

Dear Heavenly Father, I understand that there is nothing to gain by holding myself in unforgiveness and there is everything to gain by releasing myself from unforgiveness and beginning the process of healing. I want to move forward and make a positive difference in the future. I confess the ungodly accountability, self-abasement, and the vows I have made to never forgive myself. Because Jesus died for my sins, I choose to forgive myself--to no longer punish myself and be angry with myself. I forgive myself for letting this hurt control me and for hurting others out of my hurt. I repent of this behavior and my attitude. I ask for Your forgiveness and healing. God, help me to NEVER again retain unforgiveness of myself or others. Thank you for loving me and for Your grace to move forward with You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

-from website www.allaboutgod.com
Colossians 3:12-17
Do you feel you hold the qualities it mentions?
What does this mean in terms of forgiveness, both of yourself and others?
Does this give direction for how to carry out our lives and deal with people?
What are the things in your life that hinder you from embracing these qualities and walking in the light?
What things can you do in your life to nourish or bring out the qualities mentioned in this verse?

Light vs. Darkness: Part 3
"It is you who light my lamp; the Lord, my God, lights up my darkness." Psalm 18:28

Week 3: Light vs. Darkness in the world
*As we learned last week, we all have both dark and light qualities and it is only when we understand that we do sin and fall short and forgive ourselves that we are able to concentrate on being the light in the world God wants us to be.*

Colossians 3:12-17
Do you feel you hold the qualities it mentions?
What does this mean in terms of forgiveness, both of yourself and others?
Does this give direction for how to carry out our lives and deal with people?
What are the things in your life that hinder you from embracing these qualities and walking in the light?
What things can you do in your life to nourish or bring out the qualities mentioned in this verse?

What are the things in your life that hinder you from embracing these qualities and walking in the light?

Exercise 1: What qualities show light to the world (ie: glowing, smiling, compassionate, peaceful)

John 3:19-21
Do you do what is true and walk in the light? Is it hard sometimes to remain in the light but show our darkness instead?

2 Corinthians 6:14-18
What is this saying about tolerance for unbelievers? What does this say about how we minister?

Isaiah 50:10-11
What does this say about walking in our own light?

Job 28:1-11
What is the deeper meaning here about bringing our light to the world? How should we be miners in a dark world? Why does he use this reference?

John 1:4-9; John 8:12; John 12:35-36
Where does our light come from? Is there a deeper message here?

Psalm 119:105
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
How can we help be that to each other?

Isaiah 42:6-7
What does this mean for our calling? How do we open the eyes that are blind?

Psalm 139:11-12
Is your light bright enough that you aren't affected by the darkness?

Exercise 2: What kinds of things help us nourish or connect with the light in us?

Things to reflect on:
How doe we reflect Christ's light in our lives?
What helps in our lives to make sure our light doesn't go out?
Which friends can you lean on when your light is dim?
How can you help nourish other people's lights?

Thanks again to Rebecca! She obviously put a LOT of work into this study and her light certainly shown through!

Next Wednesday = Game Night!

Tomorrow = Relay for Life! Come out and walk, come out and support the team, or support the team in prayer.

Hope to see you soon.

Yours, Rachel

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Update - July 17

Rebecca presented us with a great Bible study on "Light vs. Darkness" on Wednesday night. She gave us an overview of her three part series...

Week 1: Laying the ground work
Week 2: Light vs. Darkness in the US
-What characteristics on both sides are in us?
-What can we do to nourish and nurture our light?
-letting go of the darkness in our past
Week 3: Light vs. Darkness in the world

Then, we got into the thick of it...

Definition of Light:
1. The electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength that is VISIBLE to the eye
2. A type of energy
3. Something that makes vision possible
4. Something that provides information or clarification (as in "threw some light on the subject")
5. A state of awareness or understanding, especially as derived from a particular source
Syn: aglow, bright, brillian, CLEAR, glowing, luminous, radieant, vivid, UNOBSCURED, shining

Design reference: without light, there would be no form, color, or texture.
Luminosity: the quality of being luminous, emitting or REFLECTING light.

What does it feel like to be in a room without light? Low light?
How does it feel when the light is turned on?

Gen 1:1-5 & Gen 1:14-19
"And God said 'Let there be light" ...what was He talking about? How does He describe the universe without that light?

1 John 1:1-5
if God = Light and God = Love, then Light = Love
So Walking in the Light could represent Walking in Love.

1 John 2:8-11
Can you see the connection of Walking in Love as we discussed with Ashok and Walking in the Light? Does it more clearly define "Walking in the Light" when you think about it this way?

Do we try to justify our actions when we are not living in the light?
What does it mean to the world to have that light, our light in it?

Philippians 2:14-15
Is your life shining brightly, or is it shrouded by negativity?
People around us or in the world that have this light or luminosity?

Ephesians 5:1-14
So THIS is what living in the light is?
How difficult is this to do on a daily basis?
Do you feel like you're going through the motions, or living in the dark after reading this?

What is the most important thing to take away from these verses?

Matthew 5:14-16
Even with our imperfections and "failed" attempts at living in the light, what is this saying to us?

Is it more important to concentrate on this verse and what that means in our lives? Or the previous (Eph 5:1-14)?

To think about:
-Are you living as a beacon of God's light? or a dim flame?
-In what ways do we nurture and nourish our lights?
-How do we make sure our light is visible to the world?
-And that no one extinguishes or dims it?
-In what ways to you consider you show your light to the world?

A Chinese Proverb
If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in the person, thee will be harmony in the house.
If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.

Thanks, Rebecca! This is fantastic.

Upcoming events that have been planned include:
August 25 = hiking in Temescal Canyon area followed by BBQ in the park (we're going to invite other church young adult groups to this event as an outreach attempt. Be sure to invite any folks you meet at church who might be interested and friends, etc...)
September 21-23 = FALL RETREAT!!! Mark your calendars now. Ashok is the "point person" on this one and will update us on his findings soon. We're thinking WINE TASTING!

That's all for now, folks. Enjoy the rest of your week and I hope to see you soon at one function or another.

Yours in Christ,