Spring is here! I hope it's treating you well.
We had a great meeting on Wednesday night and the week before as well. Here are some notes from Part 2 & 3 of Humility:
Humility: Part 2
-Psalm 25:8-14
What's being said in this scripture?
Why are we called to be humble? What do we get out of it?
Who are the people who fear God?
-Matthew 11:25-30; John 13:14-15; 2 Chronicles 7:12-14
What are these scriptures saying? What are they saying about humility?
-The "Gain"
In Psalm 25:8-14 what do we gain by being humble? Why are worldly gains mentioned so often? Are worldly gains important? How does humility strengthen our discipleship?
Humility: Part 3
-Mark 9:33-37; Romans 12:1-18; 2 Corinthians 10:12; James 4:5-10
We made a "Do's and Don'ts" list from these scriptures pointing out we should and shouldn't do to be humble.
-We shared some personal examples of what's happening in recent weeks in which we or someone else could have been more humble or in which we or someone else was adequately humble and why. We also shared ideas about specific ways we can be more humble in our everyday lives in the coming weeks.
-In the end, I shared this with the group:
"Incarnate Humility" by Andrew Murray (from Humility: The Journey toward Holiness)
It is important that we know who Christ is, especially the chief characteristic that is the root and essence of his character as our Redeemer. There can be but one answer; it is his humility. What is the Incarnation but his heavenly humility, his emptying himself and becoming man? What is his life on earth but humility; his taking the form of a servant? And what is his atonement but humility? "He humbled himself and became obedient to death." And what is his ascension and his glory but humility exalted to the throne and crowned with glory? "He humbled himself... therefore God exalted him to the highest place." In heaven, where he was one with the Father, in his birth, his life, and his death on earth; in his return to the right hand of the Father - it is all humility. Christ is the expression of the humility of God embodies in human nature; the Eternal Love humbling itself, clothing itself in the garb of meekness and gentleness, to win and serve and save us. As the love and condescension of God make him the benefactor and helper and servant of all, so Jesus of necessity was the Incarnate Humility. And so he is still, in the midst of the throne, the meek and lowly Lamb of God.
Resources I utilized throughout the Humility series include: Alive Now March/April, by Upper Room Publications; www.bible.com; www.twopaths.com; and Lists to Live By: The Christian Collection for Everything That Really Matters
In the way of business:
-We discussed our upcoming Disneyland Day - Saturday, March 31!!! We'll gather at the church and carpool together. Look for details and updates in your email - there is also a sign-up sheet being circulated (or simply email Amy and make sure she's aware that you plan to attend).
-Our next bLT meeting is April 1st - get any questions, concerns, comments and suggestions to one of the group members before then!
Next Week: "Suffering" with Ashok
May your Lent continue to be thought provoking and soul cleansing.
See you all soon!
What's happening with the bridge?
Check out the bridge Calendar below
Friday, March 23, 2007
Friday, March 2, 2007
Update - March 2
(Please Note: Our service project of feeding the homeless at OPCC that was originally scheduled for Saturday, March 3 has been postponed!!! Stay tuned for a new date to be announced soon.)
We had a great group on Wednesday night for our first installment of "Humility" with yours truly.
We started off the evening talking about Lent and I asked that we all keep the "disciplines" of Lent in our minds as we go through this season and especially throughout our series on Humility.
Sarah's notes on Lent: a season of repentance, self-examination, awareness of the hurts of the people of the world
My thoughts: reflection, time of prayer, thinking about Christ and what he did for us, remembering his trial in the desert faced w/ temptations, cleansing, preparing our hearts for Holy Week and the joyous time of Easter
We then talked about Humility itself. What is it? We wrote down some thoughts in our own words and also referred to how it's defined in the dictionary.
In addition to Humility being a relevant topic during Lent, I wanted to draw ties with Paul's call for us to show humility in Amy's recent study of the book of Philippians. We re-read the scripture Philippians 2:3-8. And there are many other references to being humble in the Bible. A few examples include: Proverbs 27:1-2; James 4:5-10; Titus 3:2; Matthew 18:2-4 and Micah 6:8.
I referenced a few sentences from a website that I came across that really articulated the meaning of humility (for me) and speaks to humility's presence in the Bible and in our lives.
From www.twopaths.com: "Humility as a virtue is a major theme of both the Old and New Testaments. Why do qualities such as courtesy, patience and deference have such a prominent place in the Bible? It is because a demeanor of humility is exactly what is needed to live in peace and harmony with all persons. Humility dissipates anger and heals old wounds. Humility allows us to see the dignity and worth of all God's people. Humility distinguishes the wise leader from the arrogant power-seeker."
We discussed the following questions:
-How do you feel about being asked to "lower yourself," to truly think of others as better than you? What is your initial gut reaction? Is this a natural way of being or is it difficult, something you have to work at and think about? Why is it difficult?
-Aside from lowering one's self, what are other ways of showing humility? Words that come to mind, actions?
-What does pride look like? Why is it a bad thing? Is it always bad?
-We talked about feeding the homeless at OPCC which Rebecca is heading up as our next service project. This was originally scheduled for tomorrow (Saturday, March 3) but is going to be rescheduled. Stay tuned for more.
-The next bLT (bridge Leadership Team) meeting will be THIS Sunday and then after that we'll meet on April 1. If you have questions, suggestions, comments, concerns, ideas or personal upcoming events that you'd like to share with the group, PLEASE send that information to one of the team members (me, Amy, Ashok, Ellen, Jennifer or Sarah) OR place it in the suggestion box in the room.
-The Keiskamma Altarpiece will be at FUMC March 13 - 23! We encourage everyone to participate in this special event in one way or another - there are lots of opportunities to see it and to hear speakers, see films, worship with it, etc.... visit the church website for more!
-March 31 = Disneyland Day! Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details to come.
-Next Wednesday night is Game Night! Come one and all.
-Noel's parents
-Ellen and Alex
-Shannon's stepmother and her father
-Adam and his great aunt who passed away recently
-Charley and Jen
-Amy and colleagues
-Donna's friend
Dear Lord, help us to be humble in our everyday lives. Help us to look to the needs of others before our own. This is difficult. We ask for your guidance and we pray that your love will shine through everything we do. Continually remind us of our Lenten disciplines. We wish to reflect on you and your son, Jesus Christ who you sent to cleanse us of our sins. Help us to regularly and mindfully cleanse our own souls so that we might better share your love with others. Go with each person in this room tonight and be with those who aren't with us as we venture into the next few days and into next week, until we meet again. We ask this in your holy name. Amen.
Yours in Christ,
We had a great group on Wednesday night for our first installment of "Humility" with yours truly.
We started off the evening talking about Lent and I asked that we all keep the "disciplines" of Lent in our minds as we go through this season and especially throughout our series on Humility.
Sarah's notes on Lent: a season of repentance, self-examination, awareness of the hurts of the people of the world
My thoughts: reflection, time of prayer, thinking about Christ and what he did for us, remembering his trial in the desert faced w/ temptations, cleansing, preparing our hearts for Holy Week and the joyous time of Easter
We then talked about Humility itself. What is it? We wrote down some thoughts in our own words and also referred to how it's defined in the dictionary.
In addition to Humility being a relevant topic during Lent, I wanted to draw ties with Paul's call for us to show humility in Amy's recent study of the book of Philippians. We re-read the scripture Philippians 2:3-8. And there are many other references to being humble in the Bible. A few examples include: Proverbs 27:1-2; James 4:5-10; Titus 3:2; Matthew 18:2-4 and Micah 6:8.
I referenced a few sentences from a website that I came across that really articulated the meaning of humility (for me) and speaks to humility's presence in the Bible and in our lives.
From www.twopaths.com: "Humility as a virtue is a major theme of both the Old and New Testaments. Why do qualities such as courtesy, patience and deference have such a prominent place in the Bible? It is because a demeanor of humility is exactly what is needed to live in peace and harmony with all persons. Humility dissipates anger and heals old wounds. Humility allows us to see the dignity and worth of all God's people. Humility distinguishes the wise leader from the arrogant power-seeker."
We discussed the following questions:
-How do you feel about being asked to "lower yourself," to truly think of others as better than you? What is your initial gut reaction? Is this a natural way of being or is it difficult, something you have to work at and think about? Why is it difficult?
-Aside from lowering one's self, what are other ways of showing humility? Words that come to mind, actions?
-What does pride look like? Why is it a bad thing? Is it always bad?
-We talked about feeding the homeless at OPCC which Rebecca is heading up as our next service project. This was originally scheduled for tomorrow (Saturday, March 3) but is going to be rescheduled. Stay tuned for more.
-The next bLT (bridge Leadership Team) meeting will be THIS Sunday and then after that we'll meet on April 1. If you have questions, suggestions, comments, concerns, ideas or personal upcoming events that you'd like to share with the group, PLEASE send that information to one of the team members (me, Amy, Ashok, Ellen, Jennifer or Sarah) OR place it in the suggestion box in the room.
-The Keiskamma Altarpiece will be at FUMC March 13 - 23! We encourage everyone to participate in this special event in one way or another - there are lots of opportunities to see it and to hear speakers, see films, worship with it, etc.... visit the church website for more!
-March 31 = Disneyland Day! Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details to come.
-Next Wednesday night is Game Night! Come one and all.
-Noel's parents
-Ellen and Alex
-Shannon's stepmother and her father
-Adam and his great aunt who passed away recently
-Charley and Jen
-Amy and colleagues
-Donna's friend
Dear Lord, help us to be humble in our everyday lives. Help us to look to the needs of others before our own. This is difficult. We ask for your guidance and we pray that your love will shine through everything we do. Continually remind us of our Lenten disciplines. We wish to reflect on you and your son, Jesus Christ who you sent to cleanse us of our sins. Help us to regularly and mindfully cleanse our own souls so that we might better share your love with others. Go with each person in this room tonight and be with those who aren't with us as we venture into the next few days and into next week, until we meet again. We ask this in your holy name. Amen.
Yours in Christ,
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