Our Christmas Party was a lot of fun. The Santa Claus showed up again during the gift exchange and a tradition was born. The dinner and goodies were delicious and the music was festive but laid back at the same time. A lovely time was had by all. :-)
Please join Shannon for ice cream if you're in town THIS Wednesday. Meet in the room at 7 pm and the group will leave around 7:15 or so. Please RSVP to Shannon so that the group knows to wait for you!
We bid farewell and Godspeed to Rafael and Valerie who are moving back to North Carolina this week. We'll miss you!
Congratulations to Kellie on her new job! Keep up the good work - but don't work TOO hard. :-)
Merry Christmas to all and a blessed New Year!
What's happening with the bridge?
Check out the bridge Calendar below
Monday, December 18, 2006
Thursday, December 7, 2006
the bridge Christmas Party!

We hope to see many of you there! Please note the schedule on the right. We will NOT meet on December 20 or December 27 - too many folks will be out of town. If you would be interested in going for ice cream on December 20 - please contact Shannon.
A blessed Advent to all of you!
And, when the time comes, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Yours, Rachel
Friday, November 17, 2006
Update - November 16
We had another great gathering last night with three new participants and a great discussion concerning tithing facilitated by Charley. Thanks, Charley! And, welcome to Karyn, Rafael and Valerie - it was wonderful to have you.
1) A few items are still needed for our bridge Thanksgiving with International Students. We will be enjoying the meal together at the church at 3 pm on Thanksgiving Day with members of the bridge and 20 or so international students that Amy works with at Santa Monica College. If you are available to join us, please do. If you can't join us but would still like to help out with the food PLEASE DO! Here is the current list that I have. Please contact me if you would like to add your name.
Turkey - Amy
Green Been Casserole - Rebecca, Noel
Something Green -
Cornbake/Cornbread - Devin
Stuffing - Sarah
Sweet Potato Casserole - Sarah
Mashed Potatoes -
Deviled Eggs - Noel (who else?)
Rolls - Ellen
Gravy -
Chutney - Brad/Dorothy
Salad - Rachel
Fruit Salad - Devin
Cranberry Sauce - Kellie
Pecan Pie - Rachel (2)
Pumpkin Pie - Rachel (2)
Something Chocolate - Ellen
Sodas - Ashok
Lemonade -
Water -
Other -
2) We decided to have our bridge holiday party on Wednesday night December 20. The details have not been decided (what, place, etc...) but mark your calendars and stay tuned.
(On a side note, one of our newest participants, Rafael, has offered to provide his DJ services to the bridge for an upcoming event. This sounds like tons of fun to me. I wonder if we might be interested in doing this for our Christmas party? I've looked at the church calendar and Simkins Hall is not being used on the night of December 20th - at least, not yet. If any of you are interested in this idea, lets develop it. If not, we can consider having a special bridge dj'd event in the future. A huge thanks to Rafael for the offer!!)
3) The Room Renovation Task Force is working on a list of items that we can purchase that will be used as we continue to work on the room. I'm waiting for an update from the church Accounting Manager about the funds that we currently have and how long they'll be available, etc... In the meantime, the idea is that with this list we will be able to use the money before the end of the year. Again, stay tuned. We plan to proceed with work on the room after the new year. So, enjoy the holidays but be prepared for some work days in early 2007!
4) NO MEETING NEXT WEDNESDAY! On November 29, a friend of Noel's will join us for an evening focused on Islam.
Keep Jen and Charley in your thoughts as the birth of their first child draws near. They are due on Thanksgiving.
Please keep those who are traveling in yours minds as well over the holiday.
Peace and Love to all of you,
1) A few items are still needed for our bridge Thanksgiving with International Students. We will be enjoying the meal together at the church at 3 pm on Thanksgiving Day with members of the bridge and 20 or so international students that Amy works with at Santa Monica College. If you are available to join us, please do. If you can't join us but would still like to help out with the food PLEASE DO! Here is the current list that I have. Please contact me if you would like to add your name.
Turkey - Amy
Green Been Casserole - Rebecca, Noel
Something Green -
Cornbake/Cornbread - Devin
Stuffing - Sarah
Sweet Potato Casserole - Sarah
Mashed Potatoes -
Deviled Eggs - Noel (who else?)
Rolls - Ellen
Gravy -
Chutney - Brad/Dorothy
Salad - Rachel
Fruit Salad - Devin
Cranberry Sauce - Kellie
Pecan Pie - Rachel (2)
Pumpkin Pie - Rachel (2)
Something Chocolate - Ellen
Sodas - Ashok
Lemonade -
Water -
Other -
2) We decided to have our bridge holiday party on Wednesday night December 20. The details have not been decided (what, place, etc...) but mark your calendars and stay tuned.
(On a side note, one of our newest participants, Rafael, has offered to provide his DJ services to the bridge for an upcoming event. This sounds like tons of fun to me. I wonder if we might be interested in doing this for our Christmas party? I've looked at the church calendar and Simkins Hall is not being used on the night of December 20th - at least, not yet. If any of you are interested in this idea, lets develop it. If not, we can consider having a special bridge dj'd event in the future. A huge thanks to Rafael for the offer!!)
3) The Room Renovation Task Force is working on a list of items that we can purchase that will be used as we continue to work on the room. I'm waiting for an update from the church Accounting Manager about the funds that we currently have and how long they'll be available, etc... In the meantime, the idea is that with this list we will be able to use the money before the end of the year. Again, stay tuned. We plan to proceed with work on the room after the new year. So, enjoy the holidays but be prepared for some work days in early 2007!
4) NO MEETING NEXT WEDNESDAY! On November 29, a friend of Noel's will join us for an evening focused on Islam.
Keep Jen and Charley in your thoughts as the birth of their first child draws near. They are due on Thanksgiving.
Please keep those who are traveling in yours minds as well over the holiday.
Peace and Love to all of you,
Update - October 26
Howdy all,
What a great turnout and what a great discussion we had last night. Brad joined us and led us in a talk about homelessness and pandhandling in our community. It was an eyeopening report.
Introduced with the discussion was the possibility to take action. The OPCC (Ocean Park Community Center) has many opportunities for feeding the homeless and the bridge might participate in that very soon. Stay tuned!
A huge thanks to Brad for sharing last night!
Now, with regards to business, there is a LOT going on/coming up. So, sit back, relax and read on...
1) The finishing of the ceiling and the painting of the room will begin on Monday, November 6. The hope is that everything will be done by our meeting on that Wednesday. But, if it's not OR if it's still too smelly in there or whatever, we can meet in a different room. I'll figure out the situation on Wednesday (November 8) and let everyone know as well as post signs if necessary.
2) I am working on booking us for a taping of a tv show. I'm still not sure if we'll qualify for getting paid to do it, but even if we don't it would be a fun thing to do. We'll need to have a group of at least 10 people (which may be hard for us - we'll see). Out of the choices I was given it looks like most shows tape between 5 pm - 6:30 pm which I know will be difficult for a lot of people. Out of the choices of studios I think Sony in Culver City will be our best bet. It's going to be difficult to get anywhere at that time of day coming from Santa Monica (or wherever you're coming from) but trying to get to Studio City or Burbank sounds more daunting to me than Culver City. If you feel differently, let me know. So, by narrowing the choices down based on those factors we're looking at either Rules of Engagement (November 7 or 14) or 'Til Death (November 17 or December 1). If you are interested in this please let me know ASAP what your preference is. If I don't get enough replies then it just won't happen. I need to get in touch with the guy who originally contacted me. It's already been two weeks. For all I know there may not be any choices left.
3) The men of the bridge are going to cook for the women! Everyone is invited to this fun potluck at Ashok's place (Apt 309) on Saturday, November 4 at 7:30 pm. Guys, you better get cookin. Ladies, just relax! :-) yay!
4) We've decided to do something special for our Wednesday meeting on November 8 and take a hike up to Inspiration Point at Will Rogers State Park. Stay tuned for more details.
5) the bridge is hosting Thanksgiving Dinner again this year for the international students that Amy works with. It will be on Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, November 23) at 3 pm in the Fireside Room at church. You may come and enjoy dinner or if you have other plans, drop off food contributions in advance. Here is the sign up sheet so far. Please let me know if you'd like to add your name somewhere.
Turkey - Amy
Green Been Casserole - Rebecca, Noel
Something Green -
Cornbake/Cornbread - Devin
Stuffing -
Sweet Potato Casserole - Sarah
Mashed Potatoes - Ellen
Deviled Eggs - Noel (who else?)
Rolls - Ellen
Gravy -
Chutney - Brad/Dorothy
Salad -
Fruit Salad - Devin
Cranberry Sauce - Kellie
Pecan Pie - Rachel (2)
Pumpkin Pie - Rachel (2)
Something Chocolate - Ellen
Sodas - Ashok
Lemonade -
Water -
Other -
6) We need to nail down the details for our bridge Christmas party. Date and place, most importantly. How about Saturday December 9 or 16? And where... think about possibly 20 people, seating for eating and seating for gift exchange/fellowship and parking! If you have a suggestion that would work considering all of these factors, please let me know. My vote would be to actually do it in our room at the church.
7) Brad will join us again on December 13. We need to come up with a topic.
8) An opportunity for service at Christmastime: For the past two years Brad has taken a child shopping as a part of the Salvation Army - Sears Christmas for Kids program. Jeanne Dahm (a member of the church) has given up to $150 for the shopping. It entails arriving at Sears at 7:45am on November 14th (Tuesday morning), checking in and then spending about 45 minutes with a child shopping with them for clothes and toys for Christmas. These children come from South Central LA and this becomes their Christmas. Brad is not able to do it this year and is wondering if this significant outreach would appeal to anyone in the group. He needs to call in the person's name so that the Salvation Army will be prepared. Please let me know if you're interested or have any questions.
Prayer requests:
Ashok's brother's friend Nicole (lung transplant)
Kellie's grandmother Polly Anderson (and job search)
Brian's health
Mark Oh's health (church member)
Devin's mom
Meg's former pastor's family and friends (pastor died with cancer)
That's all (and more than enough) for now! I hope this finds you all well.
Yours in Christ,
What a great turnout and what a great discussion we had last night. Brad joined us and led us in a talk about homelessness and pandhandling in our community. It was an eyeopening report.
Introduced with the discussion was the possibility to take action. The OPCC (Ocean Park Community Center) has many opportunities for feeding the homeless and the bridge might participate in that very soon. Stay tuned!
A huge thanks to Brad for sharing last night!
Now, with regards to business, there is a LOT going on/coming up. So, sit back, relax and read on...
1) The finishing of the ceiling and the painting of the room will begin on Monday, November 6. The hope is that everything will be done by our meeting on that Wednesday. But, if it's not OR if it's still too smelly in there or whatever, we can meet in a different room. I'll figure out the situation on Wednesday (November 8) and let everyone know as well as post signs if necessary.
2) I am working on booking us for a taping of a tv show. I'm still not sure if we'll qualify for getting paid to do it, but even if we don't it would be a fun thing to do. We'll need to have a group of at least 10 people (which may be hard for us - we'll see). Out of the choices I was given it looks like most shows tape between 5 pm - 6:30 pm which I know will be difficult for a lot of people. Out of the choices of studios I think Sony in Culver City will be our best bet. It's going to be difficult to get anywhere at that time of day coming from Santa Monica (or wherever you're coming from) but trying to get to Studio City or Burbank sounds more daunting to me than Culver City. If you feel differently, let me know. So, by narrowing the choices down based on those factors we're looking at either Rules of Engagement (November 7 or 14) or 'Til Death (November 17 or December 1). If you are interested in this please let me know ASAP what your preference is. If I don't get enough replies then it just won't happen. I need to get in touch with the guy who originally contacted me. It's already been two weeks. For all I know there may not be any choices left.
3) The men of the bridge are going to cook for the women! Everyone is invited to this fun potluck at Ashok's place (Apt 309) on Saturday, November 4 at 7:30 pm. Guys, you better get cookin. Ladies, just relax! :-) yay!
4) We've decided to do something special for our Wednesday meeting on November 8 and take a hike up to Inspiration Point at Will Rogers State Park. Stay tuned for more details.
5) the bridge is hosting Thanksgiving Dinner again this year for the international students that Amy works with. It will be on Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, November 23) at 3 pm in the Fireside Room at church. You may come and enjoy dinner or if you have other plans, drop off food contributions in advance. Here is the sign up sheet so far. Please let me know if you'd like to add your name somewhere.
Turkey - Amy
Green Been Casserole - Rebecca, Noel
Something Green -
Cornbake/Cornbread - Devin
Stuffing -
Sweet Potato Casserole - Sarah
Mashed Potatoes - Ellen
Deviled Eggs - Noel (who else?)
Rolls - Ellen
Gravy -
Chutney - Brad/Dorothy
Salad -
Fruit Salad - Devin
Cranberry Sauce - Kellie
Pecan Pie - Rachel (2)
Pumpkin Pie - Rachel (2)
Something Chocolate - Ellen
Sodas - Ashok
Lemonade -
Water -
Other -
6) We need to nail down the details for our bridge Christmas party. Date and place, most importantly. How about Saturday December 9 or 16? And where... think about possibly 20 people, seating for eating and seating for gift exchange/fellowship and parking! If you have a suggestion that would work considering all of these factors, please let me know. My vote would be to actually do it in our room at the church.
7) Brad will join us again on December 13. We need to come up with a topic.
8) An opportunity for service at Christmastime: For the past two years Brad has taken a child shopping as a part of the Salvation Army - Sears Christmas for Kids program. Jeanne Dahm (a member of the church) has given up to $150 for the shopping. It entails arriving at Sears at 7:45am on November 14th (Tuesday morning), checking in and then spending about 45 minutes with a child shopping with them for clothes and toys for Christmas. These children come from South Central LA and this becomes their Christmas. Brad is not able to do it this year and is wondering if this significant outreach would appeal to anyone in the group. He needs to call in the person's name so that the Salvation Army will be prepared. Please let me know if you're interested or have any questions.
Prayer requests:
Ashok's brother's friend Nicole (lung transplant)
Kellie's grandmother Polly Anderson (and job search)
Brian's health
Mark Oh's health (church member)
Devin's mom
Meg's former pastor's family and friends (pastor died with cancer)
That's all (and more than enough) for now! I hope this finds you all well.
Yours in Christ,
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